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Everything posted by Day1PanthersFan

  1. Ok guys, there is this secret method other teams use on the powerplay , if you pass it really hard at the guy with the big pads wearing the other teams jersey , there is a chance, it might go in No, it's not illegal, you don't have to just aimlessly pass it around till your powerplay is over With that said, I'm done for tonight , I'm disgusted but not hopeless, it's called a 7 game series for a reason We need to make a statement in Raleigh though
  2. And outplaying them but still losing gives them confidence and momentum Only a blind Homer wouldn't see how much trouble we are in
  3. Unless our guys learn how to shoot on the powerplay , I don't see anything changing I hope I'm wrong , but I have seen this movie too many times Even at PNC Igor will still be in there heads, they stop playing aggressive and get cute
  4. They gave us 2 ot powerplays , and we played catch for both of them , Rod needs to teach our guys how to shoot the puck obviously If our powerplay wasn't complete garbage, we would have won with the bogus calls, and would have won it with one of the ot ones
  5. We are becoming the old Atlanta Braves, regular season Warriors but always choke in the post season How damn hard is it to shoot on a powerplay , we had every oppertunity to win this game Just like Bob last year, elite goalies get in our guys heads and they overthink things This is a disgusting loss, and I'm not even mad at the officials anymore, they called it even in ot Our powerplay just dissapears in the playoffs, when we need it most
  6. Fire everyone, 2 ot powerplays, and you only shoot on a broken play Fire everyone, including Rod
  7. Either way, I'm not going to have any nerves left after this game
  8. I am to the point evertime I hear the whistle I think it's another pk
  9. They were tiky tak judgment calls , that the refs no call when NY does the same thing , they could start NFL tackling our players and not get called , and we sneez and get a penalty It's one sided and inconsistent, showing bias, they are only letting NY play playoff hockey, but calling us by the book
  10. Me, ESPN jumped the gun on switching coverage
  11. The Refs are going to make sure NY wins this Most BS inconsistent officiating I have ever seen in any sport
  12. Let us know, it just went to commercial on my end
  13. Yep, the fix is in Most fans think the refs screwed them over , but tonight there is no doubt
  14. Guentz just got tripped infront of the net, now they call us They are not consistent in the least
  15. He didn't give Igor time to adjust, that's how you beat good goaltenders
  16. And of course ESPN shows an earlier hit instead of the actual play he was injured on
  17. Jarvis just took a high stick , of course let go by these NY Officials
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