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Everything posted by Day1PanthersFan

  1. We are the Hockey version of the Dallas Cowboys
  2. That seems exactly what is going on Lavi, who has playoff sucess , adjusted in the 2nd and completely stopped Rods gameplan , it's like Rod gets tunnelvision at the first sign of adversity and locks up
  3. We will never touch the Cup till we get an Elite goaltender No matter who is coaching next season
  4. Did I say there weren't ?, like I said in a post you obviously missed I gave Jake a pass on that shot
  5. I hope we somehow get Guentz back , it was a steal getting him from Pit, Pens fans were furious, like when the Teppers traded CMC
  6. Not just a break away but a 2-0 , should have passed it all the way to the net, get Igor moving
  7. He probably has tougher shots in pre-game warmup But I will give our best player a pass on that one
  8. We need to keep scoring until the final whistle blows
  9. I wasn't talking about that goal in particular
  10. Atleast he is seeing more than warm up shots tonight
  11. That could be said about all our goalies the past 5 years , Mrazek was probably the best We have lived on cheap,mediocre journeymen goaltenders
  12. Too much indecision with the puck And they score ,what happened to the 1st period Canes
  13. Just has I expected, that powerplay gave them momentum
  14. Just let it fly powerplay , it's OK if it misses or gets blocked, but you have to meet luck halfway, you can't score on passes
  15. The way our powerplay has been, non calls are a good thing for us
  16. Make it 30, shatter the single game goal record
  17. Burns beating up on Vinnie, you love to see it
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