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Everything posted by Day1PanthersFan

  1. Just make it flag football already , or make the QB count to 5 Mississippi before he throws it to give the defender time to decide what the safest play would be
  2. Hell yes Kudos to Bryce on that drive, they dared him to throw and he called there bluff , then Chuba had some running room
  3. To quote coach gordon bombay , We just don't have the magic tonight I think all those shootout losses have shaken Kooch's confidence
  4. I agree , but it shouldn't even get to a shootout , maybe that's why teams stall for the shootout against us , because that's our kryptonite
  5. That's what I am wondering, we either have good scoring, or good goaltending , not both Are they being more conservative because they don't fully trust kooch yet ? , if Raanta or Freddie is in we average 5 goals a night , but 5 goals against also And Rod is bad at choosing the shootout lineup, scoring first is crucial, so you send noesen out there who misses the net by 50 miles
  6. We know who the refs are pulling for , they where mugging our guys and no call
  7. Playing the Pens is like playing The Cowboys Expect alot of phantom calls
  8. I have always wondered about that , Soccer players can have own goals on there stats, why does the NHL not have own goals Should say 14.53 Letang(Own Goal)
  9. Mine are 1.Pitt 2.Boston 3.Florida Honorable Mention, Washington , Ovenchicken doesn't deserve any of The GOATs records
  10. At this point, I would take just being relevant again , and looking forward to Sundays again Even Mediocrity sounds good when you are at the bottom
  11. What scummy chicken sht coaching and gameplan I now hate the crapitals even more, yes if our pp was better they wouldn't have had the oppertunity, but still low to depend on the so to win
  12. Agreed, I hope Ovenchicken doesn't touch Gretzkys goal record before he retires
  13. Man, we are over passing And they score , fug
  14. I also attribute it to inexperience,but he is getting better and better with every start , he is starting to bail out the D when they screw up , and thats what good goalies do
  15. Yeah, he has played so well the last stretch I just got over enthusiastic
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