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Everything posted by Day1PanthersFan

  1. I had hope after the green bay game, but its obvious now that was a fluke We should move on from Bryce and get a stop gap free agent to manage the offense till we are actually ready to draft our franchise QB
  2. Its ok, it's just pre-season Will be for The next 3-10 years
  3. I actually feel 2003 was better, because we were not supposed to win , we came out of nowhere , with a QB who was 3rd string on the Aints behind Aaron Brooks 2015 was great , but it just doesn't match the magical ride of the cardiac cats of 03, if Kasay just hadn't kicked it out of bounds, but who are we kidding Brady and Welker would have still nickel and dimed us into field goal range
  4. They are announcing that Fitt will be let go, and David will be Head Coach and Nicole will be GM
  5. Panthers are my team, they are like Family , sometimes they can dissapoint, other times they are flat out embarrassing, but you still love them I just hope Tepper does something the league can't ignore and he is voted out
  6. This is all just wild speculation , if Bill doesn't stay with with pats , he is Charger bound with a franchise QB already in place With Teppo the clown in control , we are going to get the coach that no one else wants Josh McDaniels, your 2024 Carolina Panthers head coach
  7. That doesn't mean anything, my family in North Carolina are Dallas and and which ever team is good fans , we don't have the tradition and history to inspire much loyalty(apperantly , that's what I'm told when I call them on it) But the SC flag used to fly over Charlotte, Mr Richardson intended the Panthers to represent both states, that's why they are Called Carolina Panthers and not North Carolina Panthers , and he held training camp in Wofford Teppo the clown tore that down also, and it might not be long untill we are the Quebec or Toronto Panthers
  8. The "issue" that arose was somebody who didn't care about sucking up to him was in earshot of him , and the truth of how much he screwed up this franchise was right infront of him , so he threw his cup and ran away from it 300k is a joke, to phase tepper it would need to be in the millions , but we know the NFL is very inconsistent when it comes to accountability
  9. I don't think many people was planning on going anyway
  10. We already drafted Cam Ward, In 2005 , he is retired now Oh, there is a Football Cam Ward, small world eh
  11. Sadly we are going to be haunted by Should Haves for the next 10 years
  12. Bryce being better than we thought is our only hope for a future, we aren't getting a big name FA or a top Rookie anytime soon In Bryce I believe(cautiously for now),because after this depressing season I am desperate for any reason to be excited about the Panthers again
  13. Nah, only bandwagoneers don't care, Detroit,Green Bay, Cleveland fans sell out home games even when they suck , actually the browns are my adopted team this post season Contrast that to us, where Cam said home games felt like away games, and that was in 2015 with the most talented Panther team ever assembled We are known around the sports world has Fairweather and Bandwagoneers, and I am afraid they are not wrong
  14. Yes, because we all know you wouldn't care about them if they were 4-13 with Sam Darnold at QB
  15. Wrong or Right , Cam tells it like he sees it , he is not an a$$ kisser, one reason he didn't get the Tom Brady Aaron Rodgers roughing calls I wish he could be apart of the Panthers in some way , although I can understand not wanting to have to answer to Nicole Tepper
  16. 2 are David and Nicole Now that Bryce is showing progression, time to screw that up to
  17. Everyone loves to win , but honestly, it wouldn't have mattered What's more important is the QB we thought was a bust and we were stuck with displayed NFL calibre play That is more important than the result of the game, progress is what's important
  18. I was one calling for Dalton to start But today Bryce showed he is capable of playing in this league I was wrong ,now we see if he continues this improvement, and in the off-season try to get more talent around him
  19. Wait untill Baker plays our defense, it's abundantly clear, no QB should be judged under Matt Rhule and Ben Macadoo And saying things like "I will wait untill such and such conditions" is moving the goal posts just to keep from conceding the argument, we have been waiting to show signs and flashes and he did today, be a realist not a cynic
  20. They would have bit hard on a play action there We need a competent o coordinator
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