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Everything posted by Day1PanthersFan

  1. I usually am happy for former players that find sucess elsewhere But not in this case,playing up injuries when we needed him , just to make us think he is injury prone so we trade him , classless I hope he sits on the sideline most of the night watching the chiefs score TDs, and has to watch the chiefs celebrate another title Fug Christian McCaffrey!!!!!!
  2. I am not an expert on the rules , but what is the point of a 10 min misconduct with 1 second left in the game ?
  3. We are snake bit, none of our goalies can stay healthy
  4. And it's just the first period He might get 6 tonight
  5. Good, maybe Stroud can lobby the Texans to sign him has the 3rd string/practice squad QB after we cut him next off-season(if not before then)
  6. I'm about done with all star events , atleast in the NFL they do it at the end of the season But the NHL thinks it's OK to deprive us of meaningful hockey in the middle of the season , and none of the players look like they want to be there Make it like an honorary thing, like a fan vote of the best players , but no actual competition
  7. Burns for Lamar and 5 2024 picks We would just have to drug Baltimores GM
  8. CMC didn't help us much on IR, dude didn't want to be here
  9. Not excited about it, but I don't expect any real change untill the Teppers are forced to sell
  10. I support any goalie between the pipes for the Canes We wish our situation was better and we had a vezina caliber workhorse that makes saves with there eyes closed , but untiill then I support who we got Might want to question our offense on nights like tonight , where are the goals ?
  11. Not defending fitt But he was injured 90% of the time here, seemed less valuable , untill he got where he wanted to be, and his injury woes dissappear , almost like he was playing up his injuries to get traded
  12. You mean he didn't pull a hammy before he made it to the endzone It's a San Francisco miracle
  13. If he had missed more time we might have won more games Mic drop
  14. I think its best for Panther fans to forget that we ever had an oppertunity to get Stroud Only pain will you find in asking what if
  15. It was just a Matter of time, nobody gets there sports news from print anymore And there are cheaper ways to see women in swimsuits also
  16. What's sad and pathetic is how little you understand of commitment and sticking with a team through hell , I wish the Panthers had fans that loved the team enough to cry when we win or lose Sadly our fanbase mostly consists of Fairweather wine and cheese bandwagoneer losers who just don't get it
  17. Watching the arrogant cowboys get blown out is always entertaining
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