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  1. Lol, the Ducks actually thought they had a chance when they made it 3-2, they just pissed off Taylor Hall
  2. Sorry to ruin the vibe , I am just bitter after so much playoff dissapointment Maybe Freddie can redeem himself this year
  3. Hall Hat Trick Empty netter but I would take it
  4. It's a regular season game, I am done being happy just to make the playoffs, I want the damn cup, and I don't trust Anderson after the latter new York series
  5. Except it is magnified by what that period costed us , on the verge of a historic comeback , and our net minder choked Everytime something good happens this season, all I keep seeing is Anderson tripping over his skates has NY gets a free goal
  6. Yeah, I have watched every Canes playoff game since 2000, but continue making false assumptions about people if it makes you feel better, but no, I didn't watch games of him before he was a cane And I know what I saw last year
  7. He could be our Ovi, designated sniper on the power play
  8. Anderson, brick wall in regular season, wet paper towel in playoffs
  9. But we didn't win game 6 against NY last year did we ? , how many goals did our best one alow in the 3rd period ?
  10. Atleast we had some good attempts, I thought we might score a few times, and we actually shot instead of playing catch like usual If you fake shoot all the time, it stops meaning anything
  11. 5 hole Freddy Like I said, we are not winning anything with our current goalies
  12. If we wanted to overpay an injury prone star, why didn't we just keep CMC He could have really helped Bryce the 2 games he wasn't nursing a hamstring injury
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