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Everything posted by Brister2Mills4TD

  1. Long time lurker, I mean long time. I jumped on to drop some knowledge on the guy who said H1N1 is worse than COVID but now see that thread closed. I had H1N1, kids brought it home from school. Sickest I’ve ever been in my life. 2 weeks down, no food, no water, you just kind of writhe in bed. You can’t sleep. Fever came in and out. It’d break for 12 hours then right back. You’d think you were getting better but you weren’t. Then secondary infection came, very common. My point is, H1N1 is baby poo compared to COVID. I was at my breaking point with H1N1, lost 20 pounds. Took days to get strength back to walk I do NOT want COVID. I got my ass vaxxed about as soon as I could. But to the point of this thread, yes that’s very dangerous. My brother is in ICU now for a handful of reasons and blood infection one. It’s serious business. Glad you sought medical advice/attention as fast as you did.
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