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Ivory Panther

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Posts posted by Ivory Panther

  1. 1 hour ago, panther4life said:

    Thanks for posting. I understand the whole bias thing being referenced here because I personally thought of Stroud as 1A and Young as 1B. However, I am starring to get the sense that they favor Young, as has many of the people in the media. So now I am starting to warm up to the idea of Young more and more.

    I keep telling ppl that listening to Scott Fitterer when he talks abt Young will give u a pretty clear idea of who he wants. That goes all the way back to November…

    he is pretty upfront with what he thinks.

    I have no idea who Reich wants, but I’m 100% sure Fitterer wants Bryce. 

    whether we actually draft Bryce, I don’t know, but I know that the GM wants him. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    He definitely does some great things on the field.  Honestly if Stroud was sitting right there I would be all in on Young.  I just think both are great at processing and ball placement.  One seems limited (to a degree) on what you can run offensively due to his size and the other doesn't.  That's the only reason I am leaning Stroud.  Take away Stroud and Young's the guy by a mile.  

    What can u run on offense with CJ that u can’t with Bryce? 

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  3. 1 hour ago, stan786 said:

    I feel like while yes him running can increase the number of hits taken, you cant remove the amount he's avoiding by moving from the equation. Even for running QBs the pocket is where the far majority of QB injuries occur, being able to navigate the pocket and avoid some of that mess also needs to be factored a bit.

    I'd argue Brees and Young in pocket move very similarly watching them, while Bryce does end up extending stuff I havent seen on tape where it leads to a signficant increase in bigger hits or anything.

    Though I will curb this with a point in your favor where Bryce's one shoulder injury came from trying to get the ball out falling into the sidelines, reminded me a little of Cam and that tackle against San Diego where he just fell out it at a weird angle.

    I think for ppl who want CJ, the goal post is always going to be moved when it comes to Bryce until draft night. 
    it started with height. When it was proved with stats that Bryce actually is good in the middle unlike other short QBs.

    it moved to weight. If weight is disproved by he can add weight. It moves to frame. Then it moves to running & weight &…

    The way I look at it is injuries cannot be predicted. Kyler has been healthier than Trey Lance who is much bigger. 
    burrow messed up his ACL in the pocket. Cam was a running QB but got hurt in the pocket. Carson Wentz big as hell got hurt outside the pocket. Jimmy G…

    decision should be made on who the best QB is for the team moving forward & not who will likely be healthy.

    I like Bryce better because of his processing & clutch gene. I think that’s what separates the greats. But I do worry abt his arm strength a bit.

    CJ has some elite traits like ball placement & pocket passing fluidity that I absolutely love & he is a fighter who had to earn everything he got! 

    I think with our coaching staff, either QB will be very successful & as a fan who had to watch Kyle Allen, Taylor Heineke, Teddy, darnold, baker, PJ…I’m extremely excited for the possibility of Bryce or CJ. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, SOJA said:

    I think to further solidify my point is to consider is Kylar Murray and how thus far his career has been hamstrung by injuries



    Look at this photo. Kyler's listed weight is 207, Bryce looks like he's probably 20 lbs under him. If Kyler can't stay on the field why would Bryce be able to outside of amazing luck

    Show me the link between size & kyler injuries.

    btw the big one was ACL while running by himself…

    • Pie 2
  5. 1 hour ago, rodeo said:

    the way I see it: Young has a higher ceiling, Stroud has a higher floor.

    Young could be a spectacular QB, or he could suck ass and we could go 3-14.

    Stroud could be a great QB, or he could be an average good QB and we could go 8-9 or 7-10.

    tbh to me there's not much difference between 3-14 and 8-9. in fact i'd kinda rather be 3-14 so we can suck and make changes, rather than drift in the middle for another 6 years, not bad enough to fire people but not good enough to win anything.

    At least 3-14 gives u hope to draft ur next spectacular QB.

    7-10 to 10-7 back n forth is purgatory. It gets u stuck with a QB u payed top dollars but feel like u have to get rid off…Goff, tannehill, cousins, dak, garapollo.

    exactly where the Giants r going to find themselves.

    take a chance on spectacular! 

    • Pie 1
  6. 1 hour ago, OldhamA said:

    I mean this is weird guess work from you, but you're also missing out one of the most important voices in the building - Dan Morgan. 

    U r right, forgot abt Dan.
    I have no idea Whr he leans like Caldwell. Neither have spoken to the media or did a press conference or video unlike the others I have guessed on.
    So why is my guessing weird?

  7. 1 minute ago, TheSpecialJuan said:

    I get the feeling Bryce has 4 and a half weeks to change the minds of the Panthers brass. If the draft was this Thursday we would take Stroud 

    McCown seems the be the only one on staff really high on CJ.

    Fitterer & Thomas seem to be in on Bryce.

    Not sure where Reich or Caldwell lean yet.

    To me that's advantage Bryce.

  8. Disclaimer: This is just for fun! so no need to bring passion into this...

    Since McCown wanted to play CJ at basketball, wanted to see what kind of game he has. 

    Then I listened to an interview with Bryce saying basketball is his second love, so wanted to see his game too.

    Both can actually play.

    CJ is an Absolute SNIPPER! I can see why he is so accurate throwing the ball.

    Bryce can shoot as well and he has quick feet.




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  9. 2 hours ago, thunderraiden said:


    Here ya go, what you can go ahead and expect.


    Fitt did tip his hand and said the extension is prob coming after the draft.

    He is pretty accurate on what he says he intends to do and does.

    That is the one thing that many don't realize with Fitterer. The guy is an opened book...

    If you want to know what the Panthers indeed to do, just listen to Fitterer. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, frankw said:

    Generally I don't advocate for it but I think that guy needs a break for his own mental health.

    Bahahaha , thank u for the “concern”.

    it’s weird how u follow me everywhere to help me tho. Lmao. In real life, u would be consider a disgusting weirdo my boy. Bahahaha. 

    i mean many ppl here love CJ, nobody else is harassing me for liking Bryce but u. 
    They are all adults who understand ppl have preferences & it’s ok. At the end of the day, both QBs would be the best we have had since Prime Cam!

    as a fan, that’s great news. 

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  11. 7 minutes ago, PantherOnTheProwl1523 said:

    Now how would Sott and Tepper want Bryce Young before Frank Reich was hired. Does not make sense at all saying this.

    I posted a clip of a journalist talking to Scott in November & what he said abt Bryce. Couple that with what he has been saying since…

  12. Just now, frankw said:

    I'm legitimately concerned for your well being if we don't draft Young. Anywho have yourself a lovely Saturday bud.

    I’m concerned abt ur well being now. Bahahaha.

    u r literally harassing me. Follow me on every post. Bringing me up on other ppl post. 

    that’s some sick clown behavior. U need to help for real.

    this is a blog to discuss sport. We all have opinions & things we want to discuss. Currently Bryce is the QB I prefer & I should be able to express that w/o u harassing me.

    U r sick my dude. Look to get some help. 

    • Pie 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Actionman0z said:

    As there should be. He is superior to Young in every single way except for off script movement which he didn’t show enough of, but proved he has the capability during the Georgia game. If we draft Young, we’ll see the backup 5-6 games per year till he’s outta the league. 

    Inferior processor.

    inferior under pressure. 

    inferior play maker. 

    we do not know what he looks like without superior talent while we know bryce still looks very good. 

    just to name a few…

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