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Ivory Panther

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Posts posted by Ivory Panther

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    You should probably change the first part of your screen name to "Irony" 🙄

    One of the first things you threw up in here was to suggest that people would cheer against the team if they didn't pick the guy they wanted. That's proven par for the course since.

    Coming into a discussion with an antagonistic viewpoint then acting picked on when people respond with antagonism is generally a sign of being immature or just being a jerk (or both).

    I've suggested it was immaturity on your part but when you get right down to it either one or both could be true.

    (the responses you're choosing definitely suggest that)

    first of all, you are misinterpreting the post.

    also, several have pointed in that post that I wasn't out of line. 

    as a panther fan, I know for a fact that many fans rooted against Cam. That is a fact you cannot denied.

    there were ppl literally with hashtags "notmyQB". 

    So for me to have a post about asking ppl to not make the same mistake regardless of the QB we pick & you to act like my post was so outlandish is absolutely either naive or disingenous! 

    so if that is your basis for all of the animosity toward me, you are 100% wrong and should save yourself some time by apologizing and moving forward.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, frankw said:

    Completely agree about Scot. But in terms of Stroud vs Young I think you might have missed a good number of posts. There is without a doubt a decent sized contingent here that really only talk about Bryce Young and behave in a manner that would make even the loudest Cam fans blush in their day. It's why most folks now regardless of which prospect they may prefer are just ready to get the first pick over with and accept whomever it will be.

    of course you feel this way. you were the 1st person to harass me on this topic.

    • Poo 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, Gerry Green said:


    Which is why you almost have to laugh at those that say. "Pick the best QB, the coach may not be here in 3 years." lol If the Coach gets his QB, he may be here until he retires. The player absolutely has to fit what the Coach wants. 

    Since MrScot put me on game, I know for a fact you are 1 of his Alias. bahahahahaha.

    • Poo 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Calling you kid actually has nothing to do with who you prefer and more to do with the fact that you act like one.

    If all you did was advocate for Young, I doubt anybody would have an issue. What you do instead is accuse others of ulterior motives, tout your own supposed virtue and continuously play the victim.

    Rayzor was correct.

    you are 100% projecting your nasty behavior onto me old Grinch. lol

    earlier on this thread, someone called you out for "touting supposed virtue of CJ's supporters" which is what you are accusing me of on this post.

    in this same post, you are literally accusing me of having ulterior motives...

    You can chose to be a decent human being & admit that your behavior was wrong and uncalled for. or you can continue to double down like a clown. 

    I have a feeling I know which way you are leaning. lollllllll

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Stumpy said:

    Lmao... sanctimonious as always.

    Run a search of the main forum for "midget" and type that post out again.

    I prefer Stroud as well. But, to pretend that Stroud fanboys are some stoic jurists, while those who prefer Young are rabid, emotional fanatics who attack anyone who disagrees would be hilarious if it hadnt become so expected in this forum.

    The Tinderbox is less toxic than this place, for zods sake!

    THANK YOU!!!

    • Beer 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    The vast majority of people I've seen preferring Stroud (myself included) generally add "but I'd be okay with Young".

    I've not seen all that many aggressively bash either one.

    You literally went at me with some disrespect calling me a "kid". 

    Some ppl called you out on it, and instead of apologizing, you doubled down. 

    That was uncalled for as I have never disrespected you.

    you also keep accusing me of having different profile which until you said it, didn't even realized ppl did that.

    I have many other example of a few other ppl here.

    There are genuine "But I will be ok with either QB" ppl, who you can tell are flexible & don't personally attack others. That hasn't been you from my experience.

    That is the aggressiveness I'm talking about. 

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  7. Just now, Martin said:

    I think a lot of people that prefer Stroud openly say so, me included.

    There’s has been a massive amount of bashing of both players. To say it is one sided towards Young is naive at best.

    Very few people preferring Stroud feel Young is better. Settling is a narrative from some media places.

    after being personally attacked and have a positive thread about Young suppressed by this 1 admin, I speak from experience. 

    but I respect your opinion...

    • Poo 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, rayzor said:

    lol you've done more than lean.

    lol, I'm comfortable with however you want to qualify or quantify my posts.

    I'm not sure why some of you act like it's a crime to want a player more than another in the draft, but yet, you want to act like you are not that invested.

    I find it super weird, especially, coming from ppl reading & posting in a football blog in Feb/March/April when most fans moved on to other things with their lives until September. lol 

    Buddy if you don't realize, you are a FANBOY! and that's okay. LOL


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  9. 2 minutes ago, MasterAwesome said:

    There's clearly a very pro-Young contingent and a very pro-Stroud contingent, so I don't understand why apparently only Young fanboys exist and not Stroud fanboys?  You are both fanboys, just of different guys...

    100% correct!

    but be careful, you will be accused of being some sort of alias. They get super aggressive & defensive.

    They don't want to admit how they feel about CJ.

    But you just need to look at their attack posts to understand they are super emotionally invested into CJ.

    I'm upfront about my preference for Young because I didn't realize it was a crime in the eyes of some ppl here. I also didn't realize wanting Bryce meant you thought CJ was trash and you didn't want him. lol

    Hopefully before this is all over, the few will realized, it is ok to have preferences but after the draft, support whoever the team picks because ultimately, they know better (at least we hope).

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  10. 30 minutes ago, rayzor said:

    lol i'm not a fanboy of any player. i'm a fan of drafting either Young or Stroud and i've been pretty stinkin clear about that. and i'm also a fan of drafting AR too. i'm leaning more towards Stroud...at the moment...but i've said from the beginning that i'd be excited whoever it is and really it's just a flip of the coin. i don't care who it is among those three. why? because i'm a panther fan and i think we've got the right coaching staff (for once) making the decision and we've got three helluva good choices to choose between.

    I can respect that...

    Why can't you and a few others respect my opinion to lean Young w/o name calling or derogatory comments & insinuations?

    We all come on this forum to express our feelings about our team (Panthers) but some of you make it seem like wanting Young to be the pick makes you some kind of bad person. I know this is internet & some ppl act more recklessly behind a keyboard, but some of this stuff is unnecessarily wrong.

    if you lean Young or make a positive comment, you are accused of having different alias (God forbid more than 1 person likes a QB), or "why do you only post about Young" or you are a "fanboy" (as if it is wrong to like a player) etc... 

    I thought this was a place for sports talk and sharing different opinions. Some of you are acting so aggressively anytime someone has a different opinion than CJ. 

    It's just sports and I assume we all like the same team. we can have different opinions which should be ok to express w/o some of the unnecessary derogatory comments. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, rayzor said:

    not projecting anything. you've been coming across as a Young fanboy since day 1 here. i mean that's fine...just own it. all the Cam fanboys did years ago.

    when did I not owned it? 

    The issue is CJ fanboys like yourself & a few others, who don't want to own your CJ's passion upfront. But you attack anyone who supports Young. You attack anything positive about Bryce.

    If a report comes out that Bryce did better in a test, you hear "but he has been practicing this test for year" as if that is supposed to be a negative that someone prepares. I remember ppl loving Luke Kuechly for his preparation...

    Anyway, I want the team to draft Young 100%. I also understand that while I like Young's game, the team with interviews and getting to know all players has a better understanding of best player is. 

    So whatever their choice is, I'd assume is the best player. I refuse to believe that they will take the lesser talent because of some system.

    The only way teams ever pass on better talent, is 100% due to current injuries or character issue. 

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  12. Just now, bythenbrs said:

    Really?  In the real world, virtually every employer chooses a candidate that they assess will be the best fit for their system, job description, culture, compensation scale.  Any candidate that is a lesser fit, by definition, is not a better candidate.

    In sports they even came up with a term "BPA" for a reason...Best player available!

  13. 1 minute ago, rayzor said:

    lol looks like you're sweating because your boy might not be the pick.

    that's the risk when you're a player fanboy instead of a fan of a team.

    Nah, this is not that serious to me. 

    You are definitely projecting your mindset onto to me buddy. lol.

    It's only football, though I'd love for Bryce to be the pick, I'll still enjoy my team with CJ. 

    He will be the best we have had since 2018 Cam!

    I just hope the team is smart enough to the take who they believe the best player is (Bryce/CJ/AR) rather than who fits some system...

  14. 1 minute ago, ElSporto said:

    What in Jesus christs holy name you fools talking about?? This is insanity. The most mediocre franchise in nfl history has 5 years of crummy football and all of you are jonesing for status quo? This is nonsense. Even the Stroud truther analysts - of which there are relatively few - openly admit he’s a high floor, low ceiling prospect. 

    Fittco traded all those assets - including known commodity Dj - to bloop a single to right field? This fan base is starved for the next Goff/Garoppolo/Carr??

    You guys are on-brand, man. An epic trade to 1 and the poultry flocks. Definition of insanity. 

    My god if I read one more comment on the Georgia game… Kurt Cousins could write a book on annual one-off good games. 

    You’re all getting timeouts. 

    Like people are actually suggesting we should take the LESSER TALENT (by their own assessment). 

    What kind of None sense is that??? bahahahahaha. Like seriously, you gotta be the ULTIMATE POVERTY fan to suggest your team needs to pick the lesser talent because he fits the system of a coach who may be gone in 3 years. Like what is this place?? seriously.

    If we draft CJ because we think he is the better player, I'M 100% DOWN WITH THAT. I respect that!

    But if we draft him thinking he is the lesser talent but he fits "some system", that will be an org failure!

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  15. 56 minutes ago, Growl said:

    we’re talking about quarterbacks, the system should fit the player not the other way around

    It is so incredibly unwise the take the lesser talent because he fits the current system knowing that the current staff could be gone in 3 years...then what?

    That would be an incredibly shortsighted decision if they believed Young was the better player but took CJ because it "fits" Reich system better. No serious Org would ever do that. 

    I believe if they take CJ, they legit believe is or will be better than Bryce. Any other reason will be a massive failure!

    Coaches' job is to put their best players into the best situations.

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  16. 12 minutes ago, poundaway said:

    The reverse is also true.  If you pick Stroud and Young tears it up while Stroud has trouble transitioning, the GM may end up unemployed.

    Both are pretty accurate, had decent weapons, sat behind excellent lines and faced tough competition.  Both have shown magic. 

    Stroud is 5 inches taller, heavier, and appears to have  a slightly bigger arm.

    Young just appears smarter, sneakier, and quicker than Stroud.    Its hard to measure those things, and who knows how either is going to progress in those areas.  We know Young is not going to get taller.   If Young was Stroud's height, I don't think there would be as many Stroud supporters. 

    Right now, I'm leaning toward Young.  I'd like to watch Young's worst game, does anybody know what Young's worst game was?


    This year, he struggled vs Texas (won) & LSU (lost). 

    last year, he struggled vs Auburn (won). 

    • Pie 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Yeah I think his size is a concern, but I can put that to the side and recognize his talent. If you ignore the size he's the best QB in this draft. Bryce Young simply has that "it factor" which can't be ignored.

    It certainly is a concern!

    But I think some ppl are overreacting to it, some even going as far as predicting injuries 100% because of it. These are the ppl I really don't understand.

    I respect the opinion of ppl who think CJ is flat out better regardless of size, so he should be the pick. I disagree with it, but at least they want to take the better QB in their opinion regardless of size.

    But I don't understand the ppl who say Bryce is better but let's take CJ because he is 4 inches taller and 20 pounds heavier right now...

    To me, we need to go with the best QB regardless of size, because nobody can predict injuries.   

  18. 1 minute ago, OldhamA said:

    I can't shake the feeling that in 3 years time people will be discussing how ludicrous it was that Young was ever in the conversation for #1 overall and of course he was going to bust.

    I've my money on ppl thinking Bryce Young size talk was so RIDICULOUS kind of like Rashan Slater arm length or Kenny Pickett hand size etc...

    • Pie 1
  19. 9 minutes ago, rippadonn said:

    If you pick Young and he breaks in a year or two or can't stay on the field like Kyler has yet to, yeah GM gets fired for screwing up the #1 pick while STROUD is out there balling.

    Young will have to play under center more, scramble less, get the ball out faster. That's a lot to improve plus he's undersized.

    Too much risk for #1. Guys loving him up but when he breaks...

    U can predict future injuries…lol.

    Can I have the lottery numbers next? 

  20. Just now, Tr3ach said:

    I understand this logic when i see it posted all the time but i disagree with it.  So many peoole want to act like physical cant be taught but everything mentally can.  People have ceilings as far as processing speed and the mental side of it too regardless of how much coaching they have.  Not everything mental can be coached either.

    SPOT ON!!!


  21. 2 minutes ago, MHS831 said:

    CB is a bigger need than we seem to realize--even if Action Jaxon were healthy, which he is not.  I was hoping for a free agent--but crickets.

    I’m with u on this.
    We need more passrush but I think there is quality left in FA to addressed that. 

    Horn is the only CB I’m confident abt & he has struggled to stay healthy thus far.

    Healthy Djack has good ball skills but Is overrated IMO. I’m not confident in him at all, especially coming back from Achilles. Not sure how we paid him over Gilmore.

    ideal scenario, Cam smith slides to 39.

    • Pie 1
  22. On 3/31/2023 at 2:12 PM, panthersphan said:

    I watched a lot of CJ’s games this year thinking the Panthers had a shot at him. I’ve gone back and forth on him. I think he has the ability to be a very good precession passer in the NFL, but do worry about how he handles pressure. Yes, the UGA game he showed that he can run some which is crucial, but there were a lot of throws this season when the pocket collapsed just a little bit, that had me scratching my head. 

    The more and more I think about it, the more and more I think it’s going to be Bryce. He’s just that special of a player, even with the size concern, if they pass on him it could be one of the biggest regrets in franchise history.

    Pretty much! 

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