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Ivory Panther

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Posts posted by Ivory Panther

  1. 1 minute ago, ForJimmy said:

    I'm just saying there are like 3-4 brand new Young posters that seem to follow you around.  Maybe it's not you (the mods know) but it definitely suspicious.  You can "lol" and "lmao" every other sentence, but it still looks suspicious. 

    you can be suspicious all you want, I don't need several profiles to validate that Bryce is the best QB in my IMO.

    This is just a blog, it's not that serious whether ppl agree with my takes or not. 

    But what I'm really curious about, is, why does it bother you and few others that I'm a Bryce Young "diehard" fan? 

    Y'all get so upset about it. I would understand if I was here bashing CJ. But I don't even do that. 

    Y'all make it seem like it's a crime to like Bryce. 

    • Pie 1
  2. 1 minute ago, ForJimmy said:

    The irony of this coming from you and the random 3 new Bryce Young accounts that popped up recently…

    sure...I'm the only Carolina fans who likes Bryce, so any new profile is me. lmao.

    I bet Frank passive aggressive self is going to like your post, then MrWhatever is going to poo my post. lol

    I don't need to set up more profile to say I want Bryce unlike you, Frank and a few others who don't want to admit you LOVE CJ & hate Bryce. 

    I have given y'all so much anxiety from just posting Bryce, it is super funny. lmao

    • Pie 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, TheCasillas said:

    There is another thread somewhere on the huddle where someone shared that Frankw and Mrcompletely were the same person. Funny to see this pop up again. 

    Don't recall who, just saw it in passing. 

    Frank is definitely Mrwhatever... bahahaha. 

    Anytime you go back&forth with him, he brings in Mrwhatever to poo your posts and talk smack.

    Mrwhatever is the attack dog side of him he tries to hide because the Frank side is passive aggressive. lmao

  4. 3 minutes ago, Martin said:

    For someone that plays the victim card, you sure jump at any chance to poke and prod at people.

    Once you come at me over N over, I'm ready for all the smoke you got. 

    I'm no victim as I dish it back! Y'all came up with this victim thing in your own mind. That's not my personality buddy. If you come at me, I come back at you hard. If you respect me, I respect you back.

    If you want to be on my the list, you are welcome to disrespect me & I can add you.

    when they were antagonizing me, I didn't see you make these comments toward them.

    • Poo 1
  5. 1 hour ago, frankw said:

    Less training wheels? His coach was Nick Saban who will most likely retire with well over 300 career wins. Folks will speak about the OSU offense like it's easy mode then act like Alabama is some low level program run by just anybody. Comical.

    so much passion and heartburn for someone who claims to be cool with either QB. lmao

  6. 24 minutes ago, Eric4280 said:

    See this is what we’re doing. 85-90 percent of the board is Stroud (for some lazy reason) and it’s ok to criticize every single tid bit of Youngs game and then when things get hairy, use lazy cop outs like “oh I’ll be happy with either but prefer Stroud”.

    Why? Why do we all just hope and pray that he’s “this next coming of Burrow” fine point out Youngs flaws to the moon but AT LEAST acknowledge that Stroud is VERY MUCH likely projected to end up in that Cousins/Carr/ Dak/ “non elite but good” qb group. I’m personally not trading up to one for an ok option . Get rich or die tryin.

    they are the ones quick to lash out at anyone supporting bryce then quickly coming back with the “I’ll be ok if we pick bryce” or “I have no dog in the fight” only to follow with Bryce bashing lmao.

    Some may need to be on suicide watch draft night. Lol 

    • The D 1
    • Poo 2
  7. On 4/1/2023 at 3:34 PM, amcoolio said:

    All you have to do is look at the Vegas odds. Stroud is a heavy favorite (I’m in Westgate Sports Book in Vegas right now.). Vegas isn’t wrong. As much as I would be happy with Bryce it’s fairly obvious Stroud will be the pick. 

    Stroud models his game after Brees and Brady and likes getting the ball out fast. That would be a huge, welcome change in the Carolinas and im all for it. Have we ever had a QB like that? I guess Mayfield but he sucked at it. Cam Darnold and Jake all loved holding the ball as long as possible. 

    At this time last year, vegas had Hutchinson going 1st. Walker ended up being the pick. Vegas had it wrong at that time. 

    vegas also had the NBA draft wrong. Banchero was the 3rd best odd & ended up being the pick. 

    So yes Vegas is wrong plenty of times. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, jfra78 said:

    It's a good thing Stroud just happens to both fit the system and is the better QB.  Stroud has better mechanics, arm strength, ball placement, vision, and a quick release.  The idea that a QB is better cause he runs around till the play breaks down and finds an open receiver is ridiculous.  Young's arm strength(or lack there of) will cause problems for him in the NFL.

    That’s an argument I disagree with but respect because in ur opinion CJ is better…

    In my opinion bryce is better at processing, better against pressure (eye test & statistically) better in the clutch (eye test). Ball placement is comparable with slight edge to CJ (both r way above average) not worried abt mechanics if they both very accurate. CJ has a slightly bigger arm. Bryce has better vision due to elite processing & knowing Whr everyone is including defenders. both have quick releases…

    It also depends on what our staff values.

    personally I value processing, ability to handle pressure & clutch in big moments.

    I give Bryce a big edge in these categories while also being equally accurate with a slightly lesser arm strength.  

    • Flames 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:


    You have some issues with reality comprehension, dude.

    Reich and Fitterer are making the pick. They're not going to take a player they don't feel will fit their system, nor should they.

    And to be clear, no one has suggested that Young doesn't fit, just that Stroud fits better. But you're apparently so frightened of Young not being the guy that you're making absolutely ridiculous / borderline laughable statements.

    Quick Hint: No argument made in this forum has any effect on the pick being made. No one in the team offices is reading this board for guidance.

    They'll make the pick without your help.

    U have mastered the art of projecting I see. Lmao. 

    • Poo 1
  10. 1 minute ago, PantherOnTheProwl1523 said:

    You must enjoy insulting and saying Scot is more or less dumb don't you. 

    If u r a real profile, u should know that Scot has been disrespecting me awhile now w/o any provocation from me.

    he was even called out by some ppl here but he never apologized.

    I confronted him & he decided to double down with the disrespect (even today) so from this point on, I have zero respect for him.

    I want all of his smoke, until he decides to respect me & behave like the adult he claims to be. 

    • Poo 2
  11. 11 hours ago, Mr. Scot said:

    From The Observer's latest mock (Link)

    Even if you ignore the size narratives with Panthers head coach Frank Reich, Stroud is still the most logical fit for the play-caller.

    Stroud’s ball placement, accuracy and consistency are phenomenal. Those traits will help Reich and offensive coordinator Thomas Brown, as they look to create an offense that relies heavily on spacing and yards-after-catch opportunities.

    Alabama’s Bryce Young — who would also be a fantastic pick here — is probably the better prospect, but Stroud feels like the better team fit with this current staff. The Panthers traded all the way up to No. 1 to nail this pick, and Stroud fits like a glove.


    Legendary hockey coach Herb Brooks was famously quoted as saying "I'm not looking for the best players, I'm looking for the right players" when picking the team to go against the Russians. Kaye applies a similar principle here talking about the Panthers.

    System fit is definitely a consideration In the sense that Stroud would require the fewest adjustments to the system. And while I know Kaye technically refers to taking height out of the equation, you realistically can't. The truth is adjustments that might be necessary to compensate for Young won't be needed for Stroud.

    I suppose you could somewhat say that takes height out of the equation because it's not a factor based in a fear of Young being fragile but on more practical terms.

    The idea that a team should take the lesser talent is probably the single dumbest sports take of all time. Lmao

    u will never hear anything this dumb ever by anyone with half brain.


    • Poo 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    I'm certainly not the first to point it out in this thread, but it bears repeating.

    The idea that the team should make a pick with someone other than the current coach and his system in mind is one of the single dumbest and most unrealistic things I've ever heard.

    No team with even half a brain would pull a dumb stunt like that.

    Lol, I’m beginning to realize u have basic reading comprehension issues.

    I can’t help u. Go off old Grinch. Lol. 

    • Poo 3
  13. 1 minute ago, Toker Smurf said:

    The current staff is making the pick , though. If Reich fails, Fitterer is probably gone too. You want Tepper making the pick with the next potential coach in mind?

    No! U take the best player & it’s up to any coach to put them in the best situation to win.

    if ur coaching staff can’t put the best player in position to reach his full potential, u got the wrong staff anyway.

    unless the player has character or current health concerns, u don’t give him up to ur competition.

    That shouldn’t even be up for debate for any org that wants to consistently win. 

  14. 1 hour ago, frankw said:

    My guy you've got about half a dozen troll pro Bryce threads disguised as an attempt at legit discourse. Nobody has made as many about either prospect. Even the mods see what's going on.

    Fresh Prince Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

    If I knew there was a quota on numbers of thread or post, I would have made less. lol.

    Sometimes ur issue is well, "you created too many threads abt Bryce", sometimes it is "you are a fanboy" sometimes it is...I can't even keep up.

    Bottom line is Y'all got zero valid argument as to why y'all chose to be nasty rather than just give your opinions or not... 

    The real issue is y'all are too emotionally against Bryce but you are afraid to admit it. So you try the passive aggressive stuff with no success... 

    • Poo 1
  15. I agree, this is the biggest debate the fanbase have had in a long time.

    After watching franchises like the Chiefs, Bengals & to a degree Buffalo which were historically bad, become seemingly overnight sensations & probably due to be relevant for the next 5 to 10 years, It gives most of us great hope it could happen to us as well with the right guy. 

    • Pie 2
  16. 6 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Respect, like for example not accusing people who disagree with you of having ulterior motives, wanting to cheer against the team, etc 😄

    Your schtick is already well known, and isn't fooling anyone.

    Bro, if you don't understand the post I can't help you.

    answer the question: did we have Carolina fans who at times rooted against Cam?

  17. 7 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Quick tip, dude: Mods like Rayzor and Linville can tell when somebody has an alias. So if I had an alt ID, they'd know. Likewise, they know about any you've set up as well.

    I'm guessing you'll respond by saying that Rayzor is part of the conspiracy against you but... 😄

    please have them investigate me. They will 100% tell you I do not have any other profile.

    I didn't even think ppl did that because it is not that serious. only a loser would make up profiles to validate their takes.

    I have my takes and stand by them. whether ppl like it or not we are all fans with various views. 

    the only thing ppl ask is respect. you can disagree, but you don't have to be disrespectful and that is what you and a few others do.

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