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Ivory Panther

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Posts posted by Ivory Panther

  1. 12 minutes ago, Billy Goat said:

    By the same token his college playing weight most likely isn't going to be his playing weight in the NFL. If you look at Wilson and Murray they've both gained at least 10lbs since entering the league. Wilson has at times been 20lb heavier than his combine weight.

    They r gonna tell u that “with his frame, he cannot add weight”Bahahaha.

    all of the sudden, some huddlers have become body experts knowing who can or can’t gain weight in the future.

    this has been a truly entertaining off season. 

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  2. 41 minutes ago, BriceYung9 said:

    Why are so many people against BY this feels like 2011 all over again and the Can haters coming out full force. 

    U have a bunch of short ppl here who used size as the reason they didn’t make it into sports & Bryce is taking that excuse away from them. LmaoCracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

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  3. 2 hours ago, Varking said:

    I wouldn’t say he is a slam dunk top 5 if healthy. I’d hope he’s top 10. But it’s the “if he stays healthy” that scares me on him. We’ve simply never seen a modern day NFL QB play at 190-195 pounds before. 

    I’m not sure about the rest of you but I don’t want those plays where he’s running around behind the line of scrimmage looking to make a play and hoping to avoid defenders because I think at the NFL level those close misses from defenders likely turn into hits in the pros. And I don’t want him taking hits. 

    I wish he would have run some drills and stepped on the scale again at his pro day. Weighing in at 205 and then putting up respectable times would have alleviated some concerns I have. Showing up at 210-215 without a drop in athleticism would have me on the bandwagon. 

    Btw, the “if he stays healthy” wasn’t specific to Bryce. That’s for any player.  I hear the size thing, I’ll let y’all get concerned with that. I’m cool with his size. 

  4. Just now, rmoneyg35 said:

    For those acting like the S2 must not be that big of a deal because it’s been around since 2015, well I don’t think you’ve given it much thought. It would take years for the nfl to take it seriously because you would need for a player to play for a few years and need multiple draft classes so you can look at the data more. It probably took years for people to even take it seriously and I am sure a lot of your older front office people wouldn’t take something new seriously.


  5. 11 minutes ago, top dawg said:

    Limitations aren't really proven. They are simply projections based out of fear when you get right down to it. I'm sure he's faced doubters since he was a child, but he continued to prove people wrong all along the way. He's been the best of the bunch.

    Yup he has! that is why I'm not worried.

    Back in 10th grade, when he was making the move to MATER DEI high school (1 of the greatest in the country), Doubters said, he couldn't dominate like he did at his small school.

    They said ppl at that level were bigger & faster. He went on to be the greatest MATER DEI QB by all accounts.

    From there, they said, well, that was HS but college is a different monster. The SEC defenses were bigger & faster, so all of that running around extending plays and dominating wasn't going to happen.

    He went on & dominated college his 1st year starting & won the Heisman.

    Now you hear the same things moving to the NFL...

    I have no doubt that if he stays healthy, he will be TOP 5 at some point.

    He has been doubted at every level due to size, yet he has risen to the challenge!

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  6. Interesting take by some, making it seem like it's a negative for BRYCE to have taken the test before.

    first of all, we don't know whether others took the test before as well...

    More importantly, Being prepared and trying to take advantage of anything is the difference between good & great!

    It shows the guy takes this QB thing seriously. As far as we know, every other QB had access to take the test before or practice, so if he is the only one who did, that shows you something.

    The desire to be great and try to gain every single advantage you can, is why the greats are greats.

    Manning, Brees, Brady, Luke Kuechly etc...were great due to being more prepared than most.

    I'm for 1 excited about getting a QB who we know will take advantage of anything to get ahead if he was the only 1 practicing for it.

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  7. 20 minutes ago, Tbe said:

    Here is a newer article at the S2.


    After a few years of vetting, S2 expanded to a small group of teams, including the Bills, Indianapolis Colts and Kansas City Chiefs. It later began to work with up to two teams per division, including the Panthers and Washington Commanders.


    Among the 117 quarterbacks S2 had tested up to the 2022 draft, the 13 with career passer ratings above 90 averaged an S2 score (91) that was 40 percentile points higher than those with career passer ratings below 90. Those top-tier quarterbacks tested significantly better in seeing the full field (tracking capacity), picking up on tendencies (instinctive learning), filtering through “if-then” rules during plays (decision complexity) and focusing amid stimuli (distraction control).


    Thx for sharing. Really good insight.

  8. 4 minutes ago, csx said:

    That they've been testing players since 2015 and we've never heard poo about it until now suggests teams don't put much stock in it. It would have come up by now. It's just because of Purdy that it's being touted. 

    Give us all the results if you expect us to drool over it.

    I agree.

    i think Purdy doing well after being “mr irrelevant” gave the test more credence. 

    now teams are gonna over react to it. 

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  9. 22 minutes ago, TLGPanthersFan said:

    Never even heard of some of these tests before we moved up to 1. Now the draft Richardson camp are saying we HAVE to draft Richardson now. 

    League likes to overreact.

    The fact that Purdy was the last pick of the draft yet did well in this test & well with 49ers has been a big endorsement for that test.


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  10. 54 minutes ago, Verge said:

    Not to pat myself on the back, but I was usually pretty on spot with all the information that got out. Plus I did have us trading to #1 for Young two weeks before they traded up. I'm taking as much of a lap as I can here for this one lol

    Well deserved! At the time u made these claims, u we’re going against popular belief & took lot of heat from some CJ truthers…

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  11. 49 minutes ago, Luciu5 said:

    Weird. I've watched a lot of his tape. I don't see it. Analysts don't see it. I don't see anyone anywhere in anyway related to the NFL saying BY struggles with pressure. The stats don't back that up either. It's utter nonsense. Sorry to come across harsh earlier.

    Bryce has a 98 passer rating against pressure according to PFF.

    Some QB don’t even hit that with a clean pocket. That’s ELITE!

    for reference, CJ has a 42 passer rating against pressure according to PFF.

    Bryce ranked 5th out of 144 players.

    CJ ranked 97th out of 144 players.

    As usual, some ppl here have ZERO idea what they r saying! ZERO!

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  12. 1 hour ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Look at the WR's Stroud had compared to what Young had.


    I watched a lot of those Alabama games and those WR's had a lot of drops last year. 

    going thru various teams’ fanbase discussion, Carolina seems to be the only fanbase rating Stroud this high.

    I’m not even sure how we got here as a fanbase.
    But I’m Glad the team is smarter!


    Sweat Sweating GIF

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