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Ivory Panther

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Everything posted by Ivory Panther

  1. Not sure what u r talking abt…Didn’t predict anything. I’m not Nostradamus. Lol. stating Whr I think is each faction stands & Whr Tepper would lean in my opinion (with the majority). if that’s prediction in ur opinion, I’m fine with that.
  2. I think what’s happening is that Bryce is currently leading. At least it was before Reich & especially McCown was hired. Scott & Tepper have been wanting Bryce before they hired Frank. Bryce is who Scott describes every time he is asked. When Thomas was hired & interviewed, u can tell he described Bryce because that’s who has been the favorite in the building. they want a point guard. Someone who can be super man when they need to make a play on 3rd down. They want fast processor before & after the snap. That’s a Bryce strong attributes. Scott’s says throwing & accuracy is not the only thing they are looking for. This is the 1 thing CJ is ahead of Bryce. but I think McCown is making a push for stroud. When breaking down videos before being hired, he picked CJ best game vs GA. There is hardly anything to critic on that game. He clearly loves the kid both on & off the field. Nothing wrong with that. I’m not sure if Reich strongly leans anywhere yet. He tried to tell ppl not to label him with QB preference. That he had a high grade on Russell in his latest presser. But at the combine presser he stated size was a concern. CJ fits the mold of who he has coached in the past however. Lastly, there are reports he is the one who is high on AR as well. i think Caldwell is the wild card. His opinion will be big but I’ve no idea where he leans. In conclusion, I think Bryce is the current favorite but if McCown is pushing for CJ. Tepper likely sides with the majority.
  3. Bro, u r obsessed with me. I’m starting to be concerned with ur emotional & mental health. This is just a blog for fans to give their opinions. It’s not that serious. Not question CJ’s mental prowess. I think he is smart & can read defenses. He definitely not ur typical one read QB from OSU we have seen in the past. I’ve said that many times. but I think Bryce is on another level in that department & that’s ok too. I even gave the example of CJ accuracy vs Bryce. When ppl say CJ is accurate, it doesn’t mean Bryce is not, it just mean CJ accuracy is on another level. like really bro, relax! U r following me on every post. U even bring me up on other ppl post. That’s terribly unhealthy. Like damn! Lolll
  4. They started trade negotiations on Tuesday, stroud threw on Saturday. he may be the pick, but they didn’t trade because of his combine performance.
  5. Not sure why me being excited abt a player gets under y’all skins so much. It would be 1 thing if I was trashing CJ saying is no good at all etc… i recognize how talented the guy is & will support the team if he is the pick, but I simply think young is that much better & prefer him. This is literally the place to discuss these things. If u r this bothered, I don’t know what to do for u. I’m not the one following y’all on every thread to antagonize y’all. If my super for young bothers u, just ignore me. It’s much healthier than getting heartburn over my opinions.
  6. I like chark but he is been hurt a lot. OBJ would be nice but I doubt he comes here… Dhop would be nice but ideally we trade for a younger guy like Higgins or Jeudy we can extend long term…
  7. He is the biggest Young hater. he is on every single positive thread abt young, spewing negativity but turns around & cries. Lmao. like u said, they r really sad. if we draft Bryce, I’m not sure how some of them r going to still support the team.
  8. Good point. I read too much into that one. Lol or was it a double entendre?
  9. There is abt 20 pounds difference between them right now…not that different in my eyes. I say size wise ur comparison would have made sense if u compared Young at 195 pounds to AR at 244pounds. but again, size is not my concern. If it is urs, I respect that & understand but just not mine…
  10. I believe Rhule made these decisions. Rhule hired FITT & it was reported that he had final say. I’m comfortable with FITT.
  11. Sorry if I’m sounding like I’m implying CJ is not cerebral. That’s not my issue at all. i just think Bryce is on a different level. No indictment on CJ. it’s the same when we talk abt CJ accuracy. It doesn’t mean Bryce is inaccurate, just that CJ is on another level.
  12. That’s what I keep saying. Weight is fixable & I’m sure he will.
  13. U just complained on another thread abt name calling but here u are… as I keep saying, u r triggered like u r on ur period my man. Relax already! Lmao
  14. I somewhat disagree…he can easily add 20 pound of mostly muscle to this frame. Nobody is saying to add 100 pounds. also, CJ can be coached but I don’t think to the degree of Bryce. It’s all fascinating stuff for sure & I can’t wait to follow both careers.
  15. GMs pick players & coaches coach them. That’s the way it is in most organizations from NFL, to NBA etc…
  16. Honestly if u listen to FITT, u can clearly see Whr his mind is. i think there are discussions from McCown (strong) & Reich (lesser) to take a hard look at CJ. when u hear FITT say things like “He held court”, he means Bryce has to do something crazy not to be the pick in his & Tepper eyes.
  17. I hear that. I’m not concerned abt height at all as he throws pretty well in the middle of the field. weight is concerning, but that’s the one physical thing he can fix with time.
  18. This was well said. It’s a tough decision for certain. for me, QB is primarily mental. When I see who I consider top QBs of all time or even currently, what set them aside, is the mental aspect of the game. They are usually not the fastest, the strongest, the tallest. The come in all shape & size but the common denominator is always mental processing & ability to rise to the moment most of the time. i think bryce has that!
  19. Yea I can see that. And I think that’s exactly what he did. He is far more comfortable with the idea than most would.
  20. Maybe if u don’t keep replying to every single one of them with ur dislike for Bryce, they might die down faster…lol. My guy, u r too triggered abt this Bryce topic. Relax! It’s a blog to discuss opinions on panthers stuff. If u dnt like a subject, dnt comment.
  21. When u hear FITT say “he held court”. It implies, Bryce is the leader for Carolina & today’s dinner/pro day did nothing to change that.
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