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Ivory Panther

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Everything posted by Ivory Panther

  1. first of all, you are misinterpreting the post. also, several have pointed in that post that I wasn't out of line. as a panther fan, I know for a fact that many fans rooted against Cam. That is a fact you cannot denied. there were ppl literally with hashtags "notmyQB". So for me to have a post about asking ppl to not make the same mistake regardless of the QB we pick & you to act like my post was so outlandish is absolutely either naive or disingenous! so if that is your basis for all of the animosity toward me, you are 100% wrong and should save yourself some time by apologizing and moving forward.
  2. of course you feel this way. you were the 1st person to harass me on this topic.
  3. Since MrScot put me on game, I know for a fact you are 1 of his Alias. bahahahahaha.
  4. you are 100% projecting your nasty behavior onto me old Grinch. lol earlier on this thread, someone called you out for "touting supposed virtue of CJ's supporters" which is what you are accusing me of on this post. in this same post, you are literally accusing me of having ulterior motives... You can chose to be a decent human being & admit that your behavior was wrong and uncalled for. or you can continue to double down like a clown. I have a feeling I know which way you are leaning. lollllllll
  5. You literally went at me with some disrespect calling me a "kid". Some ppl called you out on it, and instead of apologizing, you doubled down. That was uncalled for as I have never disrespected you. you also keep accusing me of having different profile which until you said it, didn't even realized ppl did that. I have many other example of a few other ppl here. There are genuine "But I will be ok with either QB" ppl, who you can tell are flexible & don't personally attack others. That hasn't been you from my experience. That is the aggressiveness I'm talking about.
  6. There goes another keyboard tough guy...lol
  7. after being personally attacked and have a positive thread about Young suppressed by this 1 admin, I speak from experience. but I respect your opinion...
  8. lol, I'm comfortable with however you want to qualify or quantify my posts. I'm not sure why some of you act like it's a crime to want a player more than another in the draft, but yet, you want to act like you are not that invested. I find it super weird, especially, coming from ppl reading & posting in a football blog in Feb/March/April when most fans moved on to other things with their lives until September. lol Buddy if you don't realize, you are a FANBOY! and that's okay. LOL
  9. 100% correct! but be careful, you will be accused of being some sort of alias. They get super aggressive & defensive. They don't want to admit how they feel about CJ. But you just need to look at their attack posts to understand they are super emotionally invested into CJ. I'm upfront about my preference for Young because I didn't realize it was a crime in the eyes of some ppl here. I also didn't realize wanting Bryce meant you thought CJ was trash and you didn't want him. lol Hopefully before this is all over, the few will realized, it is ok to have preferences but after the draft, support whoever the team picks because ultimately, they know better (at least we hope).
  10. I can respect that... Why can't you and a few others respect my opinion to lean Young w/o name calling or derogatory comments & insinuations? We all come on this forum to express our feelings about our team (Panthers) but some of you make it seem like wanting Young to be the pick makes you some kind of bad person. I know this is internet & some ppl act more recklessly behind a keyboard, but some of this stuff is unnecessarily wrong. if you lean Young or make a positive comment, you are accused of having different alias (God forbid more than 1 person likes a QB), or "why do you only post about Young" or you are a "fanboy" (as if it is wrong to like a player) etc... I thought this was a place for sports talk and sharing different opinions. Some of you are acting so aggressively anytime someone has a different opinion than CJ. It's just sports and I assume we all like the same team. we can have different opinions which should be ok to express w/o some of the unnecessary derogatory comments.
  11. when did I not owned it? The issue is CJ fanboys like yourself & a few others, who don't want to own your CJ's passion upfront. But you attack anyone who supports Young. You attack anything positive about Bryce. If a report comes out that Bryce did better in a test, you hear "but he has been practicing this test for year" as if that is supposed to be a negative that someone prepares. I remember ppl loving Luke Kuechly for his preparation... Anyway, I want the team to draft Young 100%. I also understand that while I like Young's game, the team with interviews and getting to know all players has a better understanding of best player is. So whatever their choice is, I'd assume is the best player. I refuse to believe that they will take the lesser talent because of some system. The only way teams ever pass on better talent, is 100% due to current injuries or character issue.
  12. In sports they even came up with a term "BPA" for a reason...Best player available!
  13. Nah, this is not that serious to me. You are definitely projecting your mindset onto to me buddy. lol. It's only football, though I'd love for Bryce to be the pick, I'll still enjoy my team with CJ. He will be the best we have had since 2018 Cam! I just hope the team is smart enough to the take who they believe the best player is (Bryce/CJ/AR) rather than who fits some system...
  14. Like people are actually suggesting we should take the LESSER TALENT (by their own assessment). What kind of None sense is that??? bahahahahaha. Like seriously, you gotta be the ULTIMATE POVERTY fan to suggest your team needs to pick the lesser talent because he fits the system of a coach who may be gone in 3 years. Like what is this place?? seriously. If we draft CJ because we think he is the better player, I'M 100% DOWN WITH THAT. I respect that! But if we draft him thinking he is the lesser talent but he fits "some system", that will be an org failure!
  15. It is so incredibly unwise the take the lesser talent because he fits the current system knowing that the current staff could be gone in 3 years...then what? That would be an incredibly shortsighted decision if they believed Young was the better player but took CJ because it "fits" Reich system better. No serious Org would ever do that. I believe if they take CJ, they legit believe is or will be better than Bryce. Any other reason will be a massive failure! Coaches' job is to put their best players into the best situations.
  16. This year, he struggled vs Texas (won) & LSU (lost). last year, he struggled vs Auburn (won).
  17. It certainly is a concern! But I think some ppl are overreacting to it, some even going as far as predicting injuries 100% because of it. These are the ppl I really don't understand. I respect the opinion of ppl who think CJ is flat out better regardless of size, so he should be the pick. I disagree with it, but at least they want to take the better QB in their opinion regardless of size. But I don't understand the ppl who say Bryce is better but let's take CJ because he is 4 inches taller and 20 pounds heavier right now... To me, we need to go with the best QB regardless of size, because nobody can predict injuries.
  18. I've my money on ppl thinking Bryce Young size talk was so RIDICULOUS kind of like Rashan Slater arm length or Kenny Pickett hand size etc...
  19. I’m with u on this. We need more passrush but I think there is quality left in FA to addressed that. Horn is the only CB I’m confident abt & he has struggled to stay healthy thus far. Healthy Djack has good ball skills but Is overrated IMO. I’m not confident in him at all, especially coming back from Achilles. Not sure how we paid him over Gilmore. ideal scenario, Cam smith slides to 39.
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