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Ivory Panther

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Everything posted by Ivory Panther

  1. I Can’t help u with ur low IQ Frank. Lmao.
  2. Just eye test & I understand ur point around data rather than eye test.
  3. Luckily scrambling means more than just rushing the ball for a QB.
  4. Didn’t say u said that. I said many ppl. u have been moderate in these debates so my responses are not directed at u specifically, just general perceptions by many huddlers.
  5. In 2021 he was playing within the pocket a lot more because of his weapons. in 2022 Bryce scrambled more out of necessity due to less weapons than 2021. A bit like CJ scrambled more vs UGA?because he played a better defense than he faced his whole career… I think many ppl only watched 2022 & made up their minds that he is not a pocket passer. He does both!
  6. While we are on this weight discussion, I thought I’d share McCown’s comment regarding bryce core strength. I think it’s one aspect that hasn’t been talked about enough IMO. For a player with size concerns, he sure breaks a lot of arm tackles unlike Tua for example who has a hard time doing that. Core strength is something very important & watching Bryce, it’s something he appears to have.
  7. He had 1 injury on the shoulder. he missed the rest of the game he got injured in and the following but It wasn't reoccurring. Anyway, if a "reoccurring" injury is not making him miss major time & he is able to play at high level a few weeks later, I'm good with that. Playing hurt can be considered a sign of toughness by his peers which helps with leadership. Btw Stroud had a similar injury in 2021...
  8. can you share your read with us plz. I'm genuinely curious.
  9. I understand your point. but to be clear, CJ at 6'3 weighing less than Tua 6'1 makes CJ even less dense that Tua, therefore more susceptible to be "raggedolled" like some were saying Tua did. But generally, I do agree with you that 3 pounds between the 2 is not that big a deal.
  10. I rather use combine weight than reported weight. Bryce was reportedly 6 feet before the combine... as far as the combine goes, CJ was 214 pounds then, & lost 1 pound for his pro day. 220 sounds good, so I'm not sure why a QB would voluntarily lose weight for the combine when his original weight was "ideal"...
  11. Yes, I'm researching to see what is the college policy on Concussion with little luck so far. I know that they have made 'targeting" a big deal. But I'm not sure if they have any type of policy to catch concussions like the NFL does. I imagine, it will be a lot more challenging due to resources at some colleges...
  12. that's a legit fear! however, Bryce has already demonstrated in college that he can take these hits from 300+pounds athletes running free. He did it against TEN for example. Does that mean he can continuously take them? I don't know... But if the fear is that he can't even withstand 1 hit, that experiment has already been done more than once & he passed.
  13. I find it interesting that the debate has moved to a specific kind of injury, once Tua's college injury history was brought into the fold. So I'm genuinely curious about College concussion protocol. We all know that before the NFL changed its policy due to a law suits, concussions weren't a thing. Even with the new policy from the NFL where you have a 3rd party doctor in the stands reviewing hits for potential (I believe) some concussions still go unchecked like the one of the ones Tua appeared to have suffered. So, I'm curious to know what the NCAA or SEC policy on concussions. How do they catch them? are they relying on players to come forward? or team staff to police it? Unless they have a similar policy like the NFL with 3rd party, for all we know, Tua had already suffered several concussions in college but were never reported by him or anyone. You can't find something you don't check for, hence the reason, many concussions before this past decade were never reported in the NFL.
  14. It’s not a concern to me. But I understand it is to many. pretty simple concept to understand! Lol
  15. U may not be making this argument on the board but there are many who do! So as long as we can agree that he is not, as ur quote says, I think that’s fair.
  16. I’ll never argue bryce size is not & concern because it is for many ppl. Even though it’s not a big deal to me, I understand folks for whom it is. so I’m definitely not getting triggered by that. What I have explained abt CJ & Tua is pretty clear, so if u don’t get it, that’s fine as well.
  17. Never said it is the same thing. That doesn’t make any sense! Yes bryce should have more concerns than anyone in this draft class or even ever. That’s legit! however, if u use Tua as a barometer of size linked to injury & CJ is the same size or smaller, logically CJ should have concerns as well, albeit less than Bryce. that’s a pretty easy concept to me.
  18. CJ is not bigger than Tua weight wise & that’s a proven fact! yes, many ppl r concerned abt Bryce size & that’s just a fact. yes I believe ppl should be somewhat concerned abt CJ size if Tua size is a concern as the reason for his injuries. That’s where I stand & these are clear simple concepts to me. You are welcome to disagree as I’m not trying to convince u of anything.
  19. I’m trying to keep it civil. why is it that ppl can’t disagree here? I’m making a counter argument which u r free to disagree with by countering the argument.
  20. If 4.3 is what’s needed to be considered a deep threat & 1 WR runs 4.4 while the other runs 4.6, yes, 4.4 WR is less of a concern, but he is still a concern. the point I’m making.
  21. Bro relax! not saying bryce size is not. Simply saying CJ is smaller than Tua who is the poster child for QB injuries right now, so if size for QB is a concern, there should be concerns for CJ as well. Lesser concerned than bryce but still a concern which I have yet to see.
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