I want to point out that Hoskins played early in the 1st quarter & had the same success he had later on in the game. I have watched every defensive snap & he beat his 1o1 consistently and even pushed his double team back. he was both powerful & quick. unless this was a fluke performance, he can be a real steal. I was even surprised, he played on the edge and had a nice bullrush, pushing his man into the QB laps. Very promising 1st game.
Nixon played early and was fairly effective. Nothing flashy, but he wasn't pushed around & got some penetrations.
The big disappointment was Bravyion Roy. He was pushed around on every play. while he was double teamed at the beginning of the game, the colts understood quickly he was no threat and put 1 guy on him while doubling Nixon. They were right. He got consistently handled by 1 man all game long.
If this continues, I wouldn't be surprised if he is moved to PS. Although he is a Rhule guy, he was a 6th round guy last year on a pretty bad team.