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Ivory Panther

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Everything posted by Ivory Panther

  1. Smokescreen in November is a hell of smokescreen lol. One thing abt FITT, he is pretty candid. just hope someone has stuff from him on CJ. I’m sure he has a positive opinion, just wondering what he has to say.
  2. There are numerous quotes of Fitterer talking abt Bryce since last November to todays article on panthers.com When u listened to FITT press conference abt what he is looking for in a QB, he pretty much described Young. can anyone find Fitterer’s assessment of CJ? I’m trying to see what he thinks of CJ. I’m of the believe that FITT & Tepper have been sold on young before they even hired Reich back in November. whether we take CJ is really how much Reich & McCOWN can change FITT & Tepper’s mind IMO. The night before Young's pro day, Fitterer said a group of "seven or eight" Panthers personnel surrounded him at the center of a table. They discussed Young's life on and off the field — he ordered the scallops and a salad — and they left impressed with his poise. "He held court," Fitterer said. "He was so well-spoken, so well thought-out. When he talked about his preparation, when he talked about how he studies, how he sees the game, he's at a different level. He's already at that NFL level, which is great to see. "Nothing's too big for him. Like, he can walk into any environment and be in total control. At 21 years old, if I walked into a restaurant, sat around with a bunch of 40, 50-year-old men, it'd be a little intimidating. Instead, he just sat there and asked us questions. We asked him questions. … Just a really, really solid person."
  3. What ppl r missing is that Tepper loves bryce because Fitterer loves Bryce. Listen to how FITT has been talking abt Bryce since November. Go read today’s articles on panthers.com of FITT talking abt Bryce. I believe FITT & Tepper had their sight on Bryce way before this coach & his QB got hired. I doubt that they let Reich & McCOWN make that decision. I think McCown wants CJ, I’m not sure Whr Reich leans, but I think they know if they get CJ while GM & owner wanted Bryce, they are gonna be on a very short leash. I think in the end Bryce is the pick because FITT absolutely loves him & so does Tepper.
  4. odds are just that...we are talking 20 pounds difference at most. These are slim odds even if you want to look at it that way.
  5. ok... you take stroud and he gets hurt while Young doesn't and plays like top 5 year in year out. the place would be equally unbearable. at the end of the day, we don't know if any of them will remain healthy...
  6. Lol, when Ppl don’t have arguments, They usually distract & deflect. U making it seem like dude is going to get injured for sure. I don’t know that, & u don’t know that, I’ll stick with facts. today, Bryce is the better QB & project better in the NFL compared to CJ for me.
  7. Explain how he is close to his peak? What’s Bryce’s ceiling? also ppl act like anything can be coached up. If that was the case, every QB would always get better & be QB1. Reich thought he could coach up Wentz in indy, that decision got him fired basically…
  8. Ok, so u can tell me with certainty that CJ will last longer than Bryce? if not, then u r still taking a chance. Didn’t say he is invincible lol. What the shoulder due to lack of size? he missed 1 game. quinton Ewers injured his shoulder last yr missing more games than Bryce. but at this point, if u don’t want Bryce, for size & such, I respect that. I don’t have any concerns there.
  9. Bryce took many “illegal” shots in the SEC & stayed relatively healthy. NFL is bigger, but we know he took many… My thing is, I can’t pass on better talent due to potential durability issues. Nobody knows if CJ, AR, Levis, burrow etc… what if he never gets hurt? What if we take someone else who gets hurt.
  10. I think many fans under estimate how much preparation & smart did to take players like Brady, Brees, Kuechly from good to all time great. This part of Bryce is the secret sauce!
  11. U think Tepper is taking his jet to Alabama is Bryce is not throwing?
  12. If Bryce is 6’3 I don’t know if CHI trades the pick to begin with…
  13. Not sure why u have an issue with me being “enamored with Bryce. Why does that bother u?
  14. Not even sure what u r talking abt. Didn’t say Bryce was gonna make the HOF, or win many superbowls etc… didn’t anoint him of anything. Like 1000s do, I have made observations abt traits I’ve seen from him in 2yrs in college. Is that not something we are all doing with draft prospects? don’t get triggered every time someone brings up a positive aspect of Bryce’s game… As I keep saying, both QBs r good. if we draft CJ, I’ll support him & hope he has the intangibles I think make top 5 QBs great. but right now I prefer Bryce because I’ve seen the intangibles.
  15. Bama’s defense was actually pretty bad this year. They r the reason they lost 2 games. vs TEN they gave up almost 50 pts. vs LSU it was abt the same. Vs Tex, Ewers was eating them up until he got hurt & many other games. Since the UGA game was the only time I’ve seen CJ being clutch in a big moment I’d say he had a clutch moment. 2 Mich loses in back to back yrs bothers me. It’s not all on him, but that’s a red flag to me when we r talking elite winner. again, he is very good with many great traits. I absolutely love his accuracy & throws. It’s like art! Just beautiful to see him throw. But I don’t know if he elevates the team around him. I’ve seen bryce will Bama to victory time after time again.
  16. The way u phrased it at 1st, I thought u meant it was a clear gap in ur opinion…but put it like u did, size tips it strouds way, if u worry abt it. for me the gap is sizable. Not the throwing or accuracy or even processing, all of which are close. For me it’s the “clutch” gene. But Because that’s an unintangible trait, it’s hard for most to count it. But, I’ve seen bryce in high pressures situation over & over & dude rises to the occasion 90% of the time. He is a baller! I don’t think Bryce loses twice to Michigan in the biggest game of the year in back to back years while having arguably comparable talent (some may argue better talent). I think CJ is very good & will be good for us if we draft him, but watching him for 2 yrs, he didn’t have that, “U left too much time on the clock for CJ”. That’s obviously an opinion but that’s how I feel.
  17. Only this fanbase can say with a straight face, “yea, take the lesser talent. Because that other might get hurt”. nevermind that any QB of any size can get hurt inside the pocket or outside.
  18. Funny how u get heartburns & want to point out ppl being bias for young when u r on every thread talking young down while praising CJ. we all have our preferences & that’s ok. In the end, whichever QB we have will have the support of the vast majority of the fanbase unless/until he doesn’t workout…
  19. lol, he threw to 1st rounders. 1 of them (Marvin Harisson) may even be a pro bowler as a rookie. But sure, the overthrows would have been caught by Pros but not these guys.
  20. U have to take the cast they play with & level of competition in consideration. that’s why it’s tough to compare college players to each other…these numbers need to be looked with a lot of nuance.
  21. Scott said & it had also been reported that they started the process when they got the combine on Tuesday. They met in Poles room and had several meeting during the combine. QBs threw at the combine on Saturday. Carolina started the process to trade for #1 on the Tuesday prior...If you still want to conclude they made the trade because of CJ throwing, that's on you. Scott said at the podium again, he doesn't care as much about workouts for QBs. The tape is what they are concerned about... Those who have eyes and hears know exactly who the pick is...
  22. If we want Young, why would we give him to Texans when we r in the same league competing with each other? also, why is it that Texans love for Young is not a “smoke screen”?
  23. I'm not interested at all in QB workouts at the combine or pro day. You have heard the same from Scott Fitt today basically. they are throwing against air to wide open players. Though CJ was impressive there, It holds no water to me. Best pure passer is something to build on, but nobody, I repeat nobody has ever said "generational" to describe CJ's game. Again, very good and I will support him and hope he can turn into a Burrow rather than Goff. But with pick 1, I'm taking generational processing traits.
  24. Nope. I don't usually watch college. Didn't even watch GA vs Bama for the championship 2 yrs ago. But I knew/hoped we were drafting a QB this season so I have watched all of the top guys every week, then rewatched their Film. Hell, I even watched the Miami QB ppl thought could be a 1st round this year before he played really poorly. after all of that, I came to the conclusion that it is not really close & Young is the clear star of this group. CJ is close behind. I like that he is a fighter. Saw how he was a 3 stars recruit out of high school in california and fought to get Ohio. These are good qualities which I think would serve well in his career. But I think Bryce is that much special of a player...
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