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Everything posted by Seltzer

  1. Thank you! The lack of knowledge about what actually constitutes real ball is appalling these days. I genuinely don't know if it is the fantasy football effect or the general hot-take and instant-gratification culture we live in, but it's almost impossible to have any sort of reasonable discourse with some "fans," especially those that think their reputation for being "right" somehow means something in the grand scheme of things. Even after Sunday you got the same blowhards with their agenda even after former all-Pros and SB winners (you know, people who have actually done it elitely at the pro level and know what it takes) talk about how impressive it is. It's our society in a nutshell. Social media has empowered people who have never come close to doing anything somehow feeling like they are experts. As someone who can actually remember a time before the internet and social media, while it wasn't perfect by any means, people did actually defer for the most part to people who actually knew what they were talking about. In short, people were simply more aware of their cognitive limitations. I think this is abundantly clear to anyone over the age of 40. Now, people have access to more information than people a generation ago could have hoped for, but with little to zero ability to actually process what they consume or apply any sort of context or analysis to it. It is what it is I guess. And I know I'm showing my age, but I think discourse on general has devolved in every facet of our lives. Anyway, great post with objective fact! I have grown to appreciate these posts exponentially more in the last 5+ years.
  2. Wonnum has added so much to the pass rush. Would be nice to see him with a healthy Derrick Brown. Dan Morgan deserves a lot of credit for his work so far. This team looked hopeless to start the season and now took the 2-time defending SB champs to the wire. Hopefully things continue to look up.
  3. JT Sanders might end up being the best draft pick from this class, which really speaks to just how good it has been. He could be a special player, and already looks like the most consistent receiving TE we've had since Olsen
  4. He was playing with 3 rookies, too. Do people honestly think we are playing with a full deck on offense??? Context matters Every win this team can get is beautiful We need another good draft, FA, and getting Brown, etc healthy. Maybe then we can be legitimately competitive next year, even against the top teams
  5. I'm not naive. We are going to lose more games, and almost certainly blown out against the Chiefs. This defense is still awful. We got lucky that Daniel Jones is playing awful. We still dont know whether Bryce can be the long term QB (probably not). But even taking Bryce completely out of the equation, there is a lot more to be excited about this year than last. And while Bryce didn't look like the #1 pick today, he was efficient and smart with the ball playing with 3 rookies starting. None of these guys were considered starters when the season started (except maybe XL). It wasn't a bad day overall across the board. I'm proud of this team hanging in there bc we've lost almost every other similar game for as long as I can remember
  6. Dan Morgan looks better & better as the season progresses. His draft class has been incredible, and trading Burns to sign Hunt & Lewis was absolutely the right move. We still need another good draft and FA to pull out of the hole Fitterer left, but this feels so much better than last year
  7. I'm happy bc this the the type of game we overwhelmingly lost over the past 7 seasons. It doesn't have to be anything more than that. We are still a bottom dwelling team, but we are fighting hard and showing progress. That is all I think any rational Panthers fan can have with the overall talent level of this team and starting so many rookies and young guys.
  8. That is simply not true. Only people with an agenda are bitching about this win. Enjoy this win- trade him in the offseason if you want. I don't know of a single person who's actually coached football that would be upset with Bryce's game given all the circumstances. Aaron Rodgers has played worse with elite talent across the board this season and people are bitching less than a 2nd year QB playing with 3 rookies. You're entitled to your opinion, but I think it is absolute nonsense. And I think it's been proven to be detrimental to this board. it's too much
  9. lol I know, but there were definitely more Giants fans there. Really no difference than most games at BOA right now. At least we didn't have to go silent count
  10. I assure you I'm not looking for an echo chamber. You expect your QB to make that throw to Coker. But that was the only really bad play by Bryce IMHO. Again, we were down 2 lineman and are committed to starting 3 rookies, and we're against statistically a very good defense. Bryce played an efficient game. He got the win. No other team fans in the league is having a bitch fest after a win given those circumstances. Bryce should have had 2 TDs. He didn't play lights out, but he absolutely didnt play bad... I don't know what sport people are watching here. Get rid of him after the season. No one is fighting anyone on that. But Jesus Christ, we won the game with what any other team in the league would consider a skeleton crew from a talent perspective on both offense and defense.
  11. In a vacuum, 31 other teams fans would be happy with basically a road win over a good defense down 2 starting lineman (technically on 3rd Center) and starting 3 rookies at the skill positions (including an UDFA). Normal Panthers fans are overwhelming all happy FWIW. Except on this board... I have been around off and on since this was Carolina Growl a million years ago. There have always been complaints, some legit, some not. Back rationality usually won out for the most part. Nothing compares to the unremitting negativity (and hell there have been so many times where it's warranted), but even in the rare times when we should be happy as a fanbase, this place wants to wallow in it... Life is too short...
  12. fug off... enjoy lording over a dying board I know GD well this cesspool isn't what Jeremy envisioned this board to be This used to be a good place
  13. Retarded logic is trying to poo on every person who ventures to come on this board just trying to enjoy a win. People like you have ruined this board, and you bask in that as this place has become more and more insufferable and less people engage. Congrats- keep calling everyone retarded... Great discourse...
  14. You didn't even attempt to answer the question
  15. 100%. We are not magically going to not be a bottom dwelling team this year. The rational (and IMHO) healthy think to do is hope Bryce and the rookies continue to show improvement and we are competitive.
  16. Thank you! That is a fair take. I genuinely think some of these posters must be miserable in their personal lives... they just can't be happy and they are determined to drag everyone else dowm
  17. So, so many people that use to be active on here all gone... and it's bc it's just too much man... It's is completely fine critiquing Bryce. Some of this is objective nonsense though. It just is. We ain't putting up 30 points a game with this group. Having that expectation is insanity. We're going to lose more games. But it's to the point where you can't even enjoy a win on here... it's effing sad
  18. Other than Coker on 3rd down, where are all these bad misses?? The ball was on time and where it needed to be most of the time. Zero turnovers. Got a TD taken away for bs I don't know why some people are still Panthers fans. I get not thinking Bryce is the future. Some of this hate is straight irrational and insufferable though... it just is. I'm done again for the day. It's insane Panthers fans happy about a win cant even post without being attacked by this nonsense
  19. Thank you. Any other QB winning down 2 lineman and with 3 rookies starting would never, ever get this hate, especially against a good defense. Anyone who can't see that Bryce is playing better (even after we traded away our nominal WR1) is just hating. It's embarrassing. Just enjoy the win
  20. If this was Patrick Mahomes playing with 3 rookies and down 2 Olineman, the announcers would be reminding the audience of that every 5 minutes... I want to engage here, and I'm definitely not on the Bryce is the savior bandwagon, but some of this stuff is objectively stupid given the context and just insufferable. I am proud of this team. We lose this game every single time the last 5 seasons
  21. We have the worst defense in the league and are starting rookies at literally all the skill positions outside of RB. Can't we not be happy for one day? A win is a beautiful thing in the NFL no matter what. The team has resiliency, and hopefully it bodes well for the future
  22. 100% Get the eff out with the negativity today. We lose that game every time for the past 5 seasons. Ugly, ugly, beautiful win!!!!
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