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  1. He choose to play with Carolina. They had other teams looking to sign him.
  2. Why the hate? It is our team organization job to showcase our player’s talent. That way we can create a buzz to trade him. It’s crazy how some you act towards certain players. Just crazy. We as fans don’t need that crap. Do better.
  3. For what reason do PJ Walker needs to be cut yesterday? He was the better QB. Caroll is not playing this year. I will cut Sam, and keep PJ Walker. Easy!
  4. Cry cry cry me a river, lol. He is a rookie! Stop with the bashing of PJ Walker please. It is not his fault he understood the assignment. He looked sharp, and he showed good ball placement too. Yes he played with the backups. Yes he put points on the board. That is what he supposed to do. All this looking into crystal balls and praying to whoever you feel will grant your wishes, just stop. PJ knows he is the odd man out the QBs but he is not going without a fight. Besides I will cut whoever lose out of Sam and Baker and keep PJ and Carroll
  5. What is up with all the PJ Walker bashing? He did his job. Moved the ball, made some really good throws. Made some bad throws at times too. But last time I checked PJ has won games for us too. PJ looked better than all the other QBs in that game. We will see what the next games show us. As for Caroll, he is a rookie playing with 4th and 5th stringers. Nothing to be mad at.
  6. That may be true but you are not seeing the whole picture. WR dropped a lot of catchable ball thrown there way. And that is a fact. Given people pie and not letting them know it’s crap.
  7. Looks like the Will G. Fan boys got there QB, can you say practice squad, lol PJ number 2 QB on the roster
  8. , damn you guys that upset? All this commotion . PJ is our backup QB. This is going to be one hell of a year. Keep Pounding
  9. Fix them eyes, not true. If that was the case we would have kept him.
  10. I understand your opinion but the facts are not there. PJ looked the best when played with the 1’s and 2’s. PJ knew how to move in the pocket. Plus he is the fastest out of the three and didn’t run at all. Think about that. Show strong command of the offense when he was in the game by making checks and adjustments at the line before the snap. Put on the tape.
  11. You say this like you sitting in the room with the GM and Coach, . Man the chair and take a big dose of reality
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