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  1. If the eagles can keep winning with the four man pass rush, it is going to be a long night for Mahomes.
  2. No matter the rest, what is really encouraging, is to see our offense being able to sustain drives.
  3. I nearly forgot how much I like this game. Incredible change in one week. A completely different team.
  4. I was about to go to bed (living in Germany). Now I Crack up a cold one! Thanks to the Red Rifle! Hope is Back. Fun is back!
  5. I don't know how you could make fans understand another snap for Bryce after this game. It's impossible.
  6. This is one thing that baffles me. Why wasn't it more trouble to the FO, that he didn't participate in the combine. Doesn't seem very confident and like he had to hide something. Is that really the individual on whose shoulders you put the future of your franchise? For me that's a clear pass.
  7. One positive from the end of this half? Our passing yards.. Finally..
  8. Important stop. We back in this if we can score. Not that we would pull off an upset anyways, but let's hang with one of the best teams in the league. Also Theilen has been great, but now someone else needs to step it up
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