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About PFFC

  • Birthday 05/17/1964

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  1. Tried to make it to halftime I really did
  2. 9 quarters without scoring? at least we’re the best at something
  3. So, who’s the best quarterback in next years draft? Asking for a friend
  4. Well that took all of what, three minutes
  5. Quick question...are both teams still on 100 yard rushing streaks? It would be great to be the team to break their streak if it's still active.
  6. Love, love, love, LOVE me some sweet Luke action! #nohomo twitter @rjhunter1964
  7. I'll be buying one as soon as they are available!
  8. Here's a mental exercise for you all: Every time you read one of these deflategate reports mentally remove the name Tom Brady and put in it's place the name Cam Newton. Now think to yourself what would the level of outrage be
  9. I'm loving this! Never saw 9 rookies making this team.
  10. No April fools prank on me today. Just got my Bup Bup Bup shirt in the mail! SWEET!
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