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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. She was great on Twitter, she would actually respond to questions. I can't follow David Newton on account of retaining brain cells and half of Joe Person's tweets are begging people to sign up to The Athletic
  2. He probably meant TD/Int ratio which was bad/better/really bad. Sam went 17/15, to a better 19/13, to 9/11. His main point was Sam has way better weapons but still a rough O-line, he definitely wasn't bashing him.
  3. So we replaced a missing guard with a Center...Brown and Christensen better both be active.
  4. Daley said he's most comfortable at LG, Brown's been looking good at RG so it would seem like a no brainer. They seem more concerned about false starts than the health of the QB
  5. Unfortunately Elflein is the major liability and he's still going to start until they're forced to bench him. Maybe that's why Rhule mentioned Deonte as the next guy up after Daley
  6. I think they may have realized their 2R guard/ 3R Tackle evaluation was off. Brady looks way better at Tackle compared to his limited Guard reps
  7. Hmm Dennis Daley says Left side is more natural for him but we're going to play him on the right. I say Daley LG and Brown RG by 3rd series
  8. Considering this year you can have 6 vets on the practice squad and activate 2 per week without cutting any of the 53 it puts FA depth guy value super low. They're doing it with the Returner this week, 10k a week to bounce around practice squads is fine but it sucks they don't get a game bonus if called up
  9. He graded out way worse than Chris Reed last year, who was bad and signed a one year 1 mil contract with the Colts
  10. Otherwise good offseason but I can't believe we managed to downgrade from Chris Reed at LG for 3 times the price. Reed looked about as bad as you could get last year and he still graded out way better than Elflein, signed with the Colts for 1 mil
  11. I ignored this person so can't see the OP but am enjoying the comments
  12. How many snaps before Elflein gets benched? Deonte played every game at left guard last season but they seem to be only playing him at right?
  13. Jaycee has locked him down in college, but he's probably gonna have to take Corey Davis, Donte can't hang with a 6'3" dude.
  14. They can activate 2 practice squad guys a game per covid rules, I think Rhule already said CJ Saunders is getting called up to return punts
  15. Vaccinated CP3 came back in the NBA playoffs in what 4-5 days? We only have 2 unvaxxed players so hopefully worst case scenario you would sign a couple vaxxed guys to the practice squad, you can activate 2 per week without cutting anyone on the 53 under the current rules. Not sure when vaxxed players test but I imagine it would make most sense to do it on Monday or Tuesday after playing another team
  16. Pretty much every high profile guy has done a presser without a mask so that's a good thing
  17. Rhule said there's 2 unvaxxed guys on the team including practice squad right now. Haven't noticed any masks or bracelets
  18. I just peaked at it and it's all his incompletions and sacks LOL. James Morgan's week 3 preseason game starting at around 4 minutes is better than anything Grier could compile from the last couple years
  19. We don't need 5 DT's and Nixon/Hoskins just look like more NFL prototype guys. I can't get used to seeing those 30" arms
  20. Damn I hope that bench score was an off day. Otherwise in youtube clips he definitely handles a ball rush a lot better than Elflein
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