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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. Yeah I understand that. But they're the ones who gave up 3 picks to trade for him, and decided to start him today when he's even more limited than his normal play ability. Hamstrung themselves into this whole situation
  2. Obviously Sam doesn't want to/can't run with his shoulder injury so that's like half of Brady's coloring book. PJ can at least add another dimension. They'll wait til garbage time when PJ has no choice but to throw the ball though
  3. Wow they don't even wanna use the time outs to try to get in field goal range. Fire this staff
  4. What's that like $20m in free agent O-line guys hurt between the 3 of them?
  5. And he can't run with the shoulder injury. Shoulda at least tried PJ to start off, if Sam gets benched again they're gonna have to blame it on his shoulder as an excuse
  6. So is the goal to throw the ball back to the line of scrimmage? Horrible calls/decisions whoever is at fault. Maybe should have started the healthy QB who took all the first team reps this week. We could have benched PJ if it wasn't working out, Rhule can't bench Sam again or it'll look really really bad on the staff
  7. Why is this PR taking up a roster spot? Just let Abdullah take them
  8. 3 RB's up I guess, Terrace Marshall is back, CMC and Abdullah are gonna catch the short stuff
  9. We were averaging about 38 throws a game until last week
  10. Looking not ready to throw the ball 40 times today. If Rhule forces this start and Sam's done in the 1st quarter, Rhule's officially still a moron
  11. And proceeded to run the ball like 15 times a game until the losses/media scorn forced them to actually use the backups. I didn't mean backup player plans I meant backup play calling plans
  12. You'd think since CMC has only played a handful of the 24 games with this coaching staff they would have adjusted a little better. For a rebuilding staff they sure like to bank on short term success with no backup plans when someone goes down
  13. Really let Plumlee pick up 6 fouls down 20. If he won't play those guys in a game like this and they're not going to the swarm I guess it's gonna take injuries. At least the rookies will show some sort of effort for better or worse
  14. No way Bouknight wouldn't have at least a couple more points. It's on Borrego if Bouknight/Kai aren't up to speed enough to play at least 10 minutes
  15. If we don't see some Kai Jones minutes this is a complete waste of a game, no reason to keep Plumlee out there if we're down by 30 soon. Plumlee either sucks or is pulling a Batum and doesn't care/wants to get released
  16. That's kind of the main reason to have a big dude in the lineup right? Can't hit free throws, doesn't contest any lay ups and waits for the rebound to fall in his lap.
  17. Put in Bouknight, no reason not to at this point for at least one stretch
  18. At least Richards attempts to block shots, that's the only positive I'm seeing so far
  19. Kings basically matched a 20 year old 1st quarter scoring record lol
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