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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. "Finalists" LOL. Rhule is such a dick. I guess it's one of these guys or Pep. What kind of questions do you think Rhule even asks?
  2. Besides the name he's a 34 year old still learning on the job, probably a sideways move from Joe Brady and would not make a good interim head coach yet.
  3. So 3 guys who have recently been fired from their previous OC jobs...Pep still has the most going for him, coaching up Herbert and Davis Mills in back to back seasons, good records with the Colts when Luck was healthy which means he at least didn't screw things up.
  4. Yeah you're either get inexperienced like Kubiak, or washed up like O'brien. This does sound like some business power move Tepper would come up with though
  5. Yeah and that's with Cousins/Thielen/Jefferson/Dalvin Cook, and a slightly better O-line. This also doesn't help with the possible interim head coach thing either because he's a 34 year old first time OC who has an nfl job because of his Dad.
  6. Vikings fans are clowning us, this is one of the nicer comments and sounds like a sideways move at best I think Baby Kubiak has potential. Weren't we one of the best red zone teams? And for a while there we were the best team on opening drives? Now, if he could minimize the three-and-outs, minimize all the worthless designed throws behind the LOS, and learn how to adjust mid-game, he has a chance. We'll see.
  7. Yup sure enjoyed dancing around the stadium his first year before the L's started coming. I guess he'll get cornered at the owners meeting by some media but it won't be a legit 20-30 minute presser
  8. Gotta be Tepper not wanting to admit he made a mistake, trying to force Rhule into some semblance of success even if it requires demoting him to head sideline cheerleader. He did say he saw a lot of himself in Rhule
  9. Looks like we're stuck watching another season of Last Chance Rhule
  10. Even putting Cam in for 1 handoff to a TE or whatever was disrespectful. I do agree Rhule is trying to force his decisions into success. Like running Chuba who is super average on 80% of the preseason drives, then they pick up Abdullah off the street with no knowledge of the playbook and it's basically a wash. I still don't understand why he wants to force a couple of guys into success and at the same time not accept the fact that BC and Deonte Brown were better options on OL all year long. I've had some crazy bosses that just didn't like certain people for no particular reason before tho so maybe he's just that kinda person, or so stubborn and in his own ego he can't accept admitting being wrong even if it's to the detriment of the team
  11. That's literally how they tried to sell him to the media after picking him up on the first day of FA, his high school or college wrestling skills that translate to NFL Center play
  12. The last thing he should be doing is cleaning up the LB's mistakes and covering WR's deep. I know their theory was him being too small to be a true LB but this whole analytics thing isn't really going so well with Rhule applying it to measurements/weight
  13. I think he's technically a high school wrestler playing Center or something
  14. Yup Rhule basically inherited his best players. The interesting thing will be if they can convince Reddick/Luvu to come back. I know this the offensive list but those are really the only FA's on either side of the ball worth bringing back
  15. Any specific O-line guys besides Evan Neal declaring for the draft I should say?
  16. Anyone worth keeping an eye on besides Evan Neal in this game? Dunno anything about college football
  17. Yup AJ Brown went off in a few games when they needed to pass the ball, Tannehill still went for 3700 yards, 21-14 TD to int ratio. Imagine if Rhule had Derrick Henry instead of CMC and lost him for 8 weeks? Tennessee barely flinched
  18. And if they hadn't picked up his 5th year option would they even resign him now? If not, how idiotic would it be to trade 3 draft picks for one year of whatever that was? Serious lose/lose situation
  19. That black tops white bottoms look yesterday was the worst. Looked like a laundry mix up
  20. I could see Pep Hamilton taking a shot. He just coached up Herbert in 2020 and helped Davis Mills look decent in Houston this year. If things don't work out here it won't ruin his career in the long run, if Rhule gets the axe mid season it's a good opportunity for Pep
  21. Yeh don't get the OP, they just made the playoffs and anything goes now. If they make a run why would they let him go? And at the same time why would you think he could/want to walk in to a poo situation and turn it around?
  22. The jags D was ballin all day, the Lions fans had the freakin Wave going during the game. They both know they're on the up and up. Can't wait for the day I never have to listen to a Rhule press conference again or see his confused face on the sideline
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