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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. Yup Pickett is basically in his prime and already throws with the velocity of a 35 year old. Howell is like a slower (mentally and physically) Baker Mayfield, not seeing anything promising out of either one. Willis if he falls to the 2nd and we have a pick would be hard to pass up.
  2. Sorry we're stuck with an Ewok, Al Pacino, and the My Pillow guy
  3. It'd have to be someone with the capital that really wants Charles Cross/Ike or something. Maybe Denver wants to jump the Falcons to get a QB, depends on if they can land a guy in FA or not
  4. Good press conference so far. Aside from the things easy to hate about him as an opposing fan I'd take him over Rhule any day
  5. Vick had 8.5" hands and averaged 1.5 fumbles a game if my math is correct. 98 fumbles in 143 games, he ran more than average but plenty of those were in the pocket
  6. The only people in the whole building Norwell even knows is Sha
  7. Matt Rhule is the one who said he didn't want or need Sam to be a leader. Can't make this stuff up
  8. That is some Kenny Powers level production value. No wonder he accepted the Panthers job if that's what he was doing with his time a year ago
  9. Yeah, a 4 year starter/5th year senior season for Pickett is way different than Mahomes and Allen balling out in their Junior/Senior years . Pickett was going to enter last years draft until he realized he was probably a 3rd or 4th rounder.
  10. I really doubt anyone has 7's. Are you measuring thumb to pinky and not wrist to middle finger? Even the smaller WR's usually are low 9's. Michael Vick is basically the most successful QB with 8.5" hands, had lots of fumbles but also lots of runs. Plenty of pocket fumbles though, guys just swiping at the ball
  11. And Dalton folded in every wildcard trip, I'm over these prototypical mid ceiling game managers. Dunno how anyone could watch that Chiefs/Bills game and be excited about drafting Pickett thinking there is any way he could hang against either of those dudes
  12. Yup losing with Allen/Heinicke was a lot more fun than carrying all this dead weight/scapegoating Rhule era business
  13. I'm not even a huge Hurts fan but imagine if we'd taken him over YGM in the 2nd, probably would have beaten out Darnold/Teddy. It's pretty crazy Grier is our only QB drafted since Cam but we've had like 4 journeymen wasting our time
  14. Nah I'd rather take O-line and have still Rhule fired sometime after game 8. It's Willis if he's there/we have a pick in the 2nd or no qb at all for me
  15. It's measured by basically the wingspan from the end of your thumb to the end of your pinky when hand is outstretched. An inch would be like removing the length of your fingernails on each finger which is a lot of grip lost.
  16. The Chiefs actually lobbied to have it changed a few years ago and it got no attention, then they benefit from it. I don't think theres any easy solution to OT unless they just make it 5-10 minutes and whoevers up at the end is the winner. The college poo is kinda dumb and too close to Soccer, takes out the Team aspect to a degree. I do agree the Bills screwed up at the end of regulation playing soft zone 15 yards off the line of scrimmage when the Chiefs had 3 time outs left. Just man up, whatever that 4/7 Zone scheme was was weak
  17. I mean the players didn't decide to rush 4 and play soft zone 15 yards off the ball, that drive was on the coaches. Maybe if the Chiefs were out of time outs that works. OT was a different story they did get gashed
  18. Yup, no more desperation trades for win now FA's. No trading away 2023 draft picks to fix the draft mess they created themselves. Jury is still out on Fitt, but Rhule was all up in his business during the draft confidential episode
  19. The Senior Bowl will be interesting for Willis particularly
  20. Yeah it's not worth the trouble. Rhule is tied to Sam, Mcadoo is now tied to Rhule as well. Fix the O-line and if the offense still sucks clean house. Waste of a year but it's best for the long term
  21. If we can find a trade partner for Darnold, we're possibly going to be giving up draft capital. Definitely not getting anything of value in return. We got a 6th for Teddy and we covered the bulk of the contract
  22. Nothing, Bears fans wanna keep him but with firing the HC and GM I guess he's planning on needing a new job.
  23. Why would he want to come here? Maybe he liked that taste of interim head coaching when Nagy was out w Covid
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