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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. Yes, if we could get Ikey at 6 and Zion Johnson with our CMC pick that would fix the line instantly
  2. Yup, we have like 50 players on the roster and had about $10M which would mostly be need for draft/security for injuries etc. They literally didn't have enough money to fill out the Training camp roster. Sure they may try to make some dumb blockbuster signing but this is mostly gonna be replacing the 19 FA's that left
  3. If it was Tepper blowing it up so a new coach could get a fresh start next year with tons of cap room, i'd be down. If it's Rhules idea so he can buy himself 4 more years on the job no way. He has no clue how to evaluate or coach so we'd just get three more years of what we just experienced and then another fire sale when Tepper comes to grips with the fact that he got conned
  4. Grab Ikey and pick up Norwell and our left side has some aggression. Play the guard we drafted at RG and let BC be a backup swing tackle, nothing wrong with getting a good swing tackle from your 3rd round pick
  5. I mean we are still losers for signing him to that contract and carrying $9M in dead cap. If we hadn't drafted 2 WR's I'd understand Robby having the leverage but he really didn't have any during that little holdout.
  6. Yup we had $12M before the Thomas contract is even factored in, at least $2-3M for that, so $10M to sign draft picks, and they'll need this $11M to sign as many jags as they can because we only have like 50ish guys on the roster at the moment. Robby/CMC/Shaq/Darnold are like $70M alone plus $20M in dead cap for 9 guys that don't play here anymore. Almost half our Cap for that mess. FA Jags incoming
  7. They had a clean slate 2 years ago and all the sudden we only have $12M in cap space pre-draft, not including the Ian Thomas deal (numbers still not out). Bad contracts for Shaq/CMC/Robby/Darnold plus $20M in dead cap for 9 guys no longer on the roster. It's a fuging mess
  8. So he gained a 1/4" from the reported 8.25" pre combine by using some medieval hand torture techniques
  9. Michael Vick fumbled 98 times in 148 games, I dunno where that ranks % wise but that's bad. Plenty of them were in the pocket too
  10. So our IOL is a total question mark and all of our RB's are under 205 pounds so we're going to run down the middle now? Mcadoo off to a good start already
  11. That might require moving back twice, picking in the 20's...We have zero leverage, they'll probably be calling other teams to beg them to trade, not teams calling us
  12. And this was him playing for a contract...I Imagine he's not going to magically have a breakout year just because they overpaid him
  13. I'm pretty sure he'd be somewhere at the vet min if he hit FA
  14. We definitely don't need to drop another $5M on a journeyman guard or tackle in FA. Problem is Rhule is trying to save his job and he has the contract to allow him to do whatever possible despite every move being a crapshoot
  15. My problem is development. Rhule was convinced he could fix Sam, and he actually regressed from his Jets years for the most part. I think we should take the best O-lineman for long terms sake. I like Willis but I'd feel bad for him walking into this mess and potentially ruining his career
  16. I ignored this strange person last month when I noticed I was wasting my time reading their bs
  17. I think we already achieve enough penalties with the current O-line
  18. Yeah, swapping out players and whatnot isn't going to make Rhule a better coach. He is what he is at this point, a college coach good at convincing 19 and 20 year olds to believe in his lame motivational speeches. He has no clue what's going on during an actual NFL game and it's super obvious he's in over his head.
  19. I don't think this forum has ever already started looking at possible 2023 draft/QB options a year in advance. Assuming Rhule doesn't trade away the majority of our 23' draft picks to attempt to save his job
  20. We're very close to that point where they should just take Twitter polls on free agency and draft picks and be better off lol
  21. With his Soccer team looking like a major bust he's gonna start freaking out and making everyones life on staff a complete nightmare. An owner micromanaging Rhule who is also micromanaging his staff is a recipe for disaster. Two rich idiots who would be worthless in a real life apocalypse where money doesn't mean anything.
  22. Even if Cousins got traded here he wouldn't sign long term so once again we'd be trading away draft picks for maybe a .500 year
  23. Not for your average NFL team, but I wouldn't put it past Rhule and whoever else gets to make the decision to overpay. Vikings fans think we should swap 1sts and send them Darnold, maybe a 2023 3rd rounder. Then they figure out something to do with Darnold..
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