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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. Yeah I'm no doctor but whatever stuff is supposed to connect to other stuff is severely damaged. Especially since it's been over a year since the last one and that wasn't even anything too crazy, he jammed his head into a guys chest which is much more forgiving than helmet to helmet
  2. That's the second time he's had that fencing posture, really scary
  3. Remember that "From the Ground Up..." Panthers spam about fixing his footwork? Yeah....
  4. Lol why. I dunno if he sailed it past the open guy underneath or actually thought slow ass Thielen was gonna make it to that spot. But Capital A Anticipation! That just means he can't see anything and just throws the timing route to the spot no matter the circumstance. This was the opening pick of the game btw
  5. Hey I know it's not necessarily related to arm strength, but getting finger tackled by linemen and not being able to qb sneak, maybe you wanna bump up your squats or something lol. Can't hurt
  6. During his offseason presser where he talked about the Netflix and all that, he also said he doesn't bench, would do him no good as a qb.
  7. Honestly the whole idea of us trading up to the top of the draft supposedly without a clear QB in mind was a major red flag internally.
  8. The only reason he was even draftable was because he was supposed to be some football brainiac. He was running protection meetings by the 2nd week of camp last year lol. No one leading up to the draft labeled him as a "project" or anything like that.
  9. Yeah the whole "build the interior line" thing that worked for Brees is just not working. He had a pocket to step into numerous times on Sunday. I think there's multiple reasons why he isn't willing to step up in there and none of them are good. From just being flustered to actually physically not being able to see what's going on when he gets too close to giant linemen
  10. Like exactly what Stroud did vs Georgia. That was basically Stroud vs an NFL defense and should have made him the unquestionable top pick in the draft. Bryce didn't even make the playoffs. and he got a shoulder injury that he didn't play very well after
  11. Has anyone melted down and posted college highlights yet again? lol. I've been off here for the last couple days mostly
  12. LOL. I mean unfortunately Bryce is now a "professional" even though the staff coddles him and his parents still come to every open practice and bring him snacks it seems like.
  13. This one is good, why not step up into your $100M interior pocket?
  14. For some reason Canales wassn't calling things much different than Reich...lol. I definitely didn't see much motion or anything after the very first play that resulted in an int. I guess they tried more under center play action-ish things even though we weren't running the ball? I dunno
  15. Yeah. Ultimately I think it looked DOA and someone should have just called a timeout after Bryce glances at the free blitzer after Sanders moved back to the gun. I personally can't expect one of these WR's basically running go routes to go rogue and run a 5 yard comeback route/crosser or whatever at 3rd and 11 with 5 seconds on the play clock
  16. To clarify Bryce Young and Dough Flutie both won the Heisman lol...Take that for what it's worth
  17. Impossible to know for sure, but the free pass rusher was possibly there just to cover Miles on a check down route and when Bryce called Sanders back to protect in the gun, the guy was like ok fug it I'll just blitz? Even if he was planning on blitzing from the beginning, Miles would have been wide open for a check down.
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