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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. What's going to be the Grier media defense if he gets same opportunity as PJ did last week and blows it? "Had to play a first team D, PJ got the 2nd/3rd string?"
  2. Maybe we get a look at David Moore with the Jets as well. I don't think he got any snaps last week due to waiver claim/practice timing
  3. NFL Game pass 7 day trial if you haven't used it yet, next weeks game is Friday so you can cram both games in the trial window
  4. Keep in mind these were Hurney involved picks, More concerned about Rhule knowing how to work with/get respect from grown men
  5. Someone explain to me why Christensen shouldn't get 10 snaps/2 series at LT on Saturday
  6. Patriots are kind of dicks in the preseason, remember Cam's foot injury? They had the Front 7 to do that all year, and I think it was the same year as Sam's seeing ghosts game.
  7. Would have been a nice year to play the NFC East
  8. We dumped Cam and passed up on Mac Jones so I find this relevant
  9. Yeah they seemed aligned kind of narrow but hard to tell from the angle. Whatever that was looked like endless 5 yard flats/slants
  10. Seems like they like what they're getting out of Jermaine Carter, and the Safety depth actually looks pretty good so they can move Chinn up more than they were anticipating. They're probably just keeping an eye on training camp cuts for a somewhat lateral move before they make a decision
  11. He's walking shirtless to practice looking healthy, wonder if it's just a straight up vaccination issue that they don't want to deal with and I wouldn't blame them. From what I can tell from photos/video it seems he's literally the only unvaxxed potential 53 guy. Bragging about a speeding ticket probably not helping either
  12. What team wants an unvaxxed always injured average linebacker at this point? They should have vetted these guys better before signing
  13. The healthcare workers have been amazing through this, it's a joyous experience compared to the anti-vax fear mongering going around
  14. Hopefully they'll cut a few of these 4th string WR's by next week so we can actually gauge if it's a qb or O-line problem, narrow it down a little bit.
  15. Pretty weird Rhule was caught laughing on the sidelines while Pride was lying on the ground waiting for a cart.
  16. Depending on the package, I think i'd take my chances with Robinson/Chandler on some of those Safety snaps, and move Chinn up to LB with Shaq and Carter. Robinson was not scared to hit today and got a pick. He seemed in the doghouse last year for whatever reason
  17. You got Burns/Reddick/Fox/YGM/Haynes and Brown/Jones/Roy/Nixon, I think I'd take Hoskins for rotational/injury value over Miller. Fox and YGM can play inside and out though so it's tricky. Hoskins looked better than Nixon from what i've seen today if they're planning on 3-4 looks
  18. Just replied basically the same thing, I think Sean Chandler and Kenny Robinson looked pretty good at safety today so we'll definitely see Chinn on some LB snaps depending on the play calls. Chandler/Robinson/Burris/Franklin isn't mind blowing but should be able to hold their own if LB is a liability
  19. Yeah considering the Safety depth actually looked decent today, they might have to move Chinn back up to LB more than they were planning
  20. He had zero Youtube film highlights or anything for whatever reason, this came out after the draft. Got no hype at all or I think he could have gone maybe in the 5th. Good work by our scouts.
  21. Jermaine Carter over Whitehead as starter, and Frankie Luvu/Perryman as depth is an upgrade over last year. Otherwise 100% agree
  22. So the DBO sign isn't an effective coaching strategy
  23. He looked way better at RT than LG, doesn't have the lower body power to handle DT bull rushes. They should give him some LT reps even tho "His arms are 3/4" too short" or whatever. It was his only position in College and we have nothing else there besides moving our primary RT over there. Depends on which way CMC likes to run the ball because if I'm him I'm running behind Moton over Brady every time
  24. Tricky part is Brady is below average in the run game so gotta get creative with Tremble or whoever if you want to run to his side
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