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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. Theres not really a world beater team out there right now. Bills lost to the Jags defense so i'm sure we took some notes on that one
  2. Yeah more worried about them than the Falcons or Saints. We also have a bye and most these other teams already had theirs so we come in fresh for the last 4 games
  3. He actually played with the starters so I think Daley actually got injured or they just sat him, everyone else played 100% of the snaps
  4. I mean we're in the wildcard right now, just gotta win enough to fend off the Falcons and Vikings, maybe leapfrog the Saints. All doable. Bucs not even looking like all that and we're only 2 games behind them, all those vets are starting to fall apart.
  5. Cards only threw for 100ish yards, mostly at D Jax so wasn't much for anyone to do
  6. He was spewing the same Cam hate about the $6m salary on Florio's Youtube channel and proceeded to get trashed in the comments by fans of various NFL teams. Does he not realize Cam is going to sell out BOA next week, save the fanbase, and save Tepper from losing millions of dollars in stadium revenue? Taysom Hill/Andy Dalton are making about the same per game to keep the bench warm.
  7. I truly forgot how huge Cam is until he was standing next to CMC, and then next to Robby in the presser. Even if he's lost half a step no one is interested in that one on one tackle
  8. Yup, and current Cam has wayy more left in the tank than 2015 Peyton Manning. This is all we've needed the whole time with this defense.
  9. He knew he was about to have a half empty stadium, 25% of which would be opposing fans the rest of the year. Training camp crowd turnouts were pathetic, how many kids are begging their parents for a Darnold jersey? Cams new jerseys are already sold out. I think Tepper obviously cares, remember him dancing all over the fields, going to tailgates when he first arrived? He's been holed up in his suite for the last 5 weeks
  10. King has always been a Cam hater. I get the the paying too much for guys not playing complaint, but totally disagree with him being flabbergasted by Cam getting around $6m guaranteed to basically save the season and keep the fanbase engaged. That's basically Taysom Hill money, who has 3 tds total all year as a gadget/failed QB? King loves that guy
  11. True, one thing I noticed with PJ is he was quick to call out what he saw to his O-line, really great communicator. Also he had good footwork and didn't get antsy and bail from a relatively clean pocket. Sam is bad at all these things
  12. What if you add in this weird CMC dance with the I'm back right after it
  13. Glad they had the chance to get him some snaps even though it was garbage time. It's still more valuable than 2nd string practice reps against the same guys every week
  14. Mina Kimes and Ryan Clark are the only bearable ones on ESPN
  15. Was he thinking it was flag football? This is the complete opposite of Cam wrecking his shoulder trying to save a td off his interception
  16. I didn't even notice Christensen was out there at LT for 13 snaps
  17. Paying Sam 18 million next season is gonna leave a couple good players out, Donte should get paid but I doubt we can fit it in our cap
  18. 2 more games til the bye, just keep it rolling no reason to overthink things when it's working
  19. This new staff is lucky Cam is a forgiving person
  20. If it ain't broke don't fix it. PJ knows way more plays between the 20's to keep a rhythm going, it keeps the defense on their heels knowing we can sub out at any time . Do it til it doesn't work
  21. Gilmore and his wife are from the area, He's already got a ring and prob doesn't have any interest in making a few extra bucks to live in an apartment away from his family. Gilmore and Horn would be insane on the cheap. D jax is great but he'll take the highest bidder next year and it probably won't be us
  22. If the offense is comfortable with both it makes it harder for the opposing D to prepare for. Didn't see anything today besides guys wanting to get back on the field which is a good problem to have
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