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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. So the options are Mcadoo, Kubiak nepotism kid, or the guy that somehow made ECU a worse team?
  2. If you're the owner and it's obvious no one wants to OC for Rhule besides the football equivalent of the My Pillow guy, how do you not blow it up?
  3. Yup clean house and you could have Pep as HC and some decent coordinators would sign on, and still have a couple years of cheap rookie contracts while you fix the problem areas on the roster. It's becoming super obvious no one of merit is gonna do a favor for Matt Rhule after his scapegoating and general lack of real time game management
  4. Oof if we'd just fire Matt Rhule Pep would probably take the HC job. Tepper has to be seeing this trend unfolding in real time, maybe that rumor of him telling Rhule to find a legit OC is real. Not looking good so far
  5. Ugh we should have kept Ron and got a new GM first. At the very least Ron got his coordinators HC opportunities, Rhule is scapegoating his guys and interviewing proven busts. I was surprised Ron was so pissed in his last Panthes press conference but he deserved to be for the most part
  6. Yeah Matt Rhule is the last option. Mcadoo who I'm pretty sure is the My Pillow guy without a mustache, or Kubiak who's last name is why he's in the NFL are just some guys that will take the money for one year. Waste of time since Tepper will blow it up 10 weeks into next season. Maybe Tepper will grow some balls and demand someone competent or he'll blow it up now, but who knows
  7. I mean I think he's in denial about the situation at this point. Imagine trying to explain to Tepper why you can't convince anyone better than this list of guys to even interview. It's either that or he's purposefully only asking people he's not intimidated by
  8. That would be Matt Rhule, who mentioned having the #2 defense in his last presser as a bright spot of the season. I'm surprised no one brought up the turnovers/field position. We were super average in sacks and only had 9 interceptions, 2 of which were Gilmore who didn't require any coaching
  9. Yup. How many yards did the D save by having Sam turn the ball over? And our special teams often getting ran over for an extra 10-15 yards? Lots of drives started closer to midfield than the opposing teams endzone
  10. We requested an interview with Pep last week and so far nothing came of it
  11. Mcadoo is the best he can do because guys like Pep aren't returning his calls. This one is probably a favor through Coughlin, his only NFL connection
  12. Neither did BC in college but Rhules got him playing everywhere, he's even seriously adding Center to his repertoire for next year
  13. Still bad energy, the players are human beings and react to this kinda bs the same way anyone does at any job
  14. They should have taken out the 17th game and had a hunger games wildcard weekend. Dunno if the math would work out though
  15. Maybe a 5'9" QB isn't the answer for a superbowl
  16. Stafford made the right decision even though they'll lose next round
  17. Yup they're trying to go to a playoff team. Rhule probably reached out and they didn't return the calls. He's either getting Mcadoodoo because Panthers OC is better than Cowboys "consultant", or Kubiak who is basically Joe Brady with no college success, but a familiar last name. I'm not sure he'll get anyone on board after that WFNZ interview unless they pay them 2-3x what they're worth
  18. He's probably more focused on concert revenue, hence the turf. He knows opposing fans will fill half the stadium alone
  19. Oh god Rhule is so desperate for OC's he had to get Tom Coughlin to hook him up with Mcadoo. Coughlin is pretty much Rhules only NFL connect
  20. This guy tried to get Eli to start just to keep his streak going but take him out after a series to put fuging Geno Smith in. Sounds like he and Rhule have a similar "culture"
  21. Yup and then Eli threw for like 430 yards the week after Mcadoo got the axe.
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