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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. Yup they're trying to go to a playoff team. Rhule probably reached out and they didn't return the calls. He's either getting Mcadoodoo because Panthers OC is better than Cowboys "consultant", or Kubiak who is basically Joe Brady with no college success, but a familiar last name. I'm not sure he'll get anyone on board after that WFNZ interview unless they pay them 2-3x what they're worth
  2. He's probably more focused on concert revenue, hence the turf. He knows opposing fans will fill half the stadium alone
  3. Oh god Rhule is so desperate for OC's he had to get Tom Coughlin to hook him up with Mcadoo. Coughlin is pretty much Rhules only NFL connect
  4. This guy tried to get Eli to start just to keep his streak going but take him out after a series to put fuging Geno Smith in. Sounds like he and Rhule have a similar "culture"
  5. Yup and then Eli threw for like 430 yards the week after Mcadoo got the axe.
  6. I actually like Pittsburgh having visited a couple times. Ben looks like he's at the bar playing darts tho, Curious if Tomlin was forced into this situation.
  7. Philly has a young QB still growing, not sure what the Steelers goal is with Ben who basically begged them to let him play another season
  8. Pretty sure the Steelers would be looking better with Cam tonight
  9. Oof we could have had this Center and RG for free
  10. Je Is there a specific reason to dislike TJ or you just mean a good play? Not trolling just curious
  11. We might be in the negative if they scored things differently
  12. Chiefs have fat boy TD's and Rhule won't even play his fat boys
  13. And Dak should have went down like at least 5 yards earlier and maybe they would have had 1-2 seconds
  14. I mean Dak and the Center just blacked out and forgot they needed to toss the ball to the ref to set. Though he was old man jogging up from like 20 yards away so yeah not the best play call when you have no timeouts
  15. This game is torture. I'm switching to gymnastics til 4:30
  16. Will Grier is the only QB we've drafted since Cam, most teams generally pick one up every 2-3 years. I'd rather trust this staffs dumb luck over trying to fix other peoples cast offs
  17. Yeah think of Seattle, even if Russel Wilson was a bust in the 3rd round, it wouldn't have greatly set them back roster wise or cap wise, they could just keep on trying. You gotta take shots at QB's in the draft every once in a while. Grier being our only QB pick since Cam is kind of insane
  18. Guess we're Bills fans moving forward? Bengals ok too
  19. In that temp it probably feels better playing than standing still on the sideline, especially since the Pats aren't trying to hit anyone
  20. Was gonna say the Pats D doesn't look like they want to hit anyone but that weasel could throw an on the field temper tantrum at any moment
  21. Mac Jones looks like he wants to go home and get under 5 blankies
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