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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. Reich has a preference for taller QB's. What exactly could Dalton teach Bryce Young when they have basically nothing in common in their play style?
  2. If we wanted a midget we would have taken Minshew as our bridge QB for Bryce. CJ and Dalton are basically the exact same size
  3. So he doesn't want his brother to play Stroud twice a year. Same thing
  4. Club improvement incentive, so he's like the 3rd QB coach basically
  5. That makes it more palatable. Now i'm going to force myself to watch a couple mic'd ups because I don't think I've ever heard him talk before
  6. yeah 28 year old back who just had 262 carries, far apart could mean he wanted $6 and the Lions were offering $3, who knows.
  7. Yeah 3/18 with Swift already on the roster seems like a lot. I like jamaal but it took 262 carries to get those numbers last year. Foreman doesn't have as much wear and tear and is a year or two younger
  8. Yeah, I think this doubles as a coaching internship for guys like him and Dalton as well. Unusual opportunity to be around that much experience for a year or two
  9. Bills/Chiefs/Eagles all kinda maxed out on cap space. Other contenders don't really need a WR3/4 posession receiver which is probably what he is now. He can do the Cotchery thing for a couple more years
  10. Dom Capers probably has extras in his office
  11. Yeah Sam might beat out Lance in SF at this point. Brissett can go back to the Colts and start over whoever they draft for a year
  12. Only if he goes full Sheamus with the facial hair
  13. Yeah is it wrong that I"m mostly against this on account of the major contrast between blue jersey and red hair?
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