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Jackie Lee

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  1. I believe Tepper forced Ron to switch to 3-4 and it's been a mess ever since.
  2. I don't think I'll ever get past all the finger sacks and tackles whenever a d-line guy can get a scratch at him. It's crazy we're basically 5 years into going full circle on Teddy B level as our QB lol. Speaking of it's looking like Sam, Baker, and Teddy now with the Lions as the new backup are going to be in the playoffs!!! Can't make this poo up.
  3. Yeah my issue is TMJ/Mingo/XL all never had consistent numbers as top guys as prospects. Why would you think if they can't dominate in college that our shitty ass team can magically coach them up?
  4. We can knock the Bucs or Falcons out of the playoffs depending on how this and next week go, it's not meaningless overall.
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