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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. Gotta go to work. Hope Damar pulls through. And F*CK GOODELL! I'm out.
  2. And to anyone else who gives "intelligent" answers like "Huh?" to my "F the playoffs" comment : I am merely stating that I don't give a sh-t about the Playoffs in light of this situation. OKAY??? okay.
  3. Let me repeat : I am just saying I don't give a sh-t about them at this point.
  4. I hate that I have to go to work in 5 minutes. (I work overnights) Prayers to Damar Hamlin.
  5. Uhh...what? I am saying I don't give a sh*t. Nothing unrealistic about that.
  6. Damn. Never thought about that. He'll have guilt even if it's not his fault.
  7. Could be sketchy but if he is in there and can see what is happening and heard from the doctors, maybe it's not so sketchy.
  8. Well that's something at least. His vitals are back to normal.... Hope he gets better.
  9. If I could've, I would've called the league and told them to get ready to be given a huge middle finger in their faces.
  10. I don't drink Mountain Dew in the first place. Doritos? No longer buying any. F-CK OFF! (Doritos, I mean...not you)
  11. Oh you know they're not going to do that. Got to "protect the shield" and all that sh-t.
  12. What are the sponsors for this game? So we can go to each of them and tell them "F*CK YOU AND YOUR PRODUCT"?
  13. Bottom Line is that I am praying he can pull through because this is someone's life here. And the Game of Football can just take the night off.
  14. You're probably right. Still just saying how I see it. No one has to agree with it nor am I telling people here that my viewpoint is right.
  15. Yeah but it's still a bad look 'cause we don't know that's why they're sitting and waiting. I would like to think that is why they're doing so but....it just looks bad when other fans are leaving and they're just still sitting there not moving an inch until the PA tells them it's over. It just rubs me the wrong way in a situation like this.
  16. Wow.....Those fans who were still sitting and ONLY GOT UP AFTER THE Public Address announcment came through that the game was called.....Those fans SUCK. PERIOD.
  17. I hate that they call this Cancellation a "Suspension". The game is not Suspended....IT'S CANCELLED. To be honest, if they do this game with the same score it "ended", that would be absolutely stupid.
  18. Saw this on TV. It's the only REAL CLUE that tells us the game is over. The fans in the stands are still waiting. I don't get this whatsoever. Just TELL THEM THE GAME IS OVER AND TO GO HOME! It just annoys me that they're waiting there as if they expect the game to continue. It makes them(the fans) look worse than they really are.
  19. Why is there such a long ass delay here??? Fans are still sitting in the stands and for what? Do they SERIOUSLY EXPECT the game to resume?
  20. I'm going to sit here and just have low expectations that he would sign here and he would instead sign elsewhere.
  21. You're right. There is definitely something "f-cky" going on here.
  22. They NEED TO CANCEL THIS GAME. If Goodell had any f*cking sympathy in that money-grubbing soul of his, he'd cancel the game and do some makeup of it next weekend or something (maybe add it to Saturday)....
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