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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. An afterthought, perhaps...but still in the NFL. Prior to this season, there was a lot of doubt he would've been able to stick around the league.
  2. Damn. And for him to, at the very least, carve out a niche as a High-end NFL Backup with such little experience? Very impressive.
  3. I recall reading about how he was a Linebacker(?) in High School or something?
  4. The only good thing about those fumbles (as good as "fumbles" can be viewed) is that they weren't self-inflicted. Bozeman snapped it before Sam was ready (though you could argue that Sam should've just fell on the ball instead of trying to pick it up). He also got blind-sided thanks to Icky morphing into a turnstile.
  5. I'm referring to the few DESPERATE teams willing to sign him as a STARTER. And if Sam desires to be a starter.
  6. well the Free Agent QB market isn't exactly all that stellar to begin with so I'm sure there could be a few takers. Although if I'm Sam, would I want to go to another team and start running for my life again after finally being behind an effective O-Line for the first time in forever?
  7. And this, right there, may be endgame for Sam as a Panther. Of course if he accepts a backup role that won't affect the new head coach's desire to draft his guy, then he'll stick around, I imagine.
  8. I mean fans can "hope" they come out on the losing end but they should expect them to try their damnest to come out on the winning end.
  9. I think that's the best way to go about it. 2 days is not enough time to digest what happened.
  10. What Trend? All I've seen are DC's hired as Head Coaches. And these DC's have zero head Coaching experience, to boot. And most of them wash out. Why can't we have one who was an Offensive Coordinator at one point? Someone who knows as much about offense as DC's know about Defense?
  11. yeah. Panthers don't have to unload Darnold. They can just simply let him walk.
  12. Anyone would be better than what we've had lately. Harbaugh would put us on the map. But I'm not holding my breath.... ...I'll believe he's the Coach here if it happens.
  13. I mean TMJ did flash a bit even with Sam his second go around as Starter. But TMJ needs someone who can get him the ball a bit more often and with a bit more consistency. Sam was almost always focused on his first read which usually was DJ Moore. A better QB would spread the wealth, so to speak, a bit more.
  14. Why? Why do some owners have this OBSESSION with hiring DEFENSIVE Coordinators as Head Coaches? I just can't understand it.
  15. Telling me to better articulate myself after failing to do just that himself may not be considered bad but it was pretty hypocritical to say the least. So no. I am not going to, as you say, "Cool it". Besides, I've put him on ignore so he won't be hearing from me anymore regardless of what he says going forward. Now excuse me while I get back to thinking about Damar and hope he pulls through. Sounds like he's on the right track at least which is a huge relief.
  16. Okay so now that I'm calmed down, let me ask you a question : Why would I say "F the playoffs" in a situation like this after everything I have posted (like boycotting the stupid sponsors, being annoyed by the fans in the crowd, etc.) that would make you think this was about the rescheduling of the game? I couldn't care less about any of that or the playoffs for that matter. A man is fighting for his life here and that takes Top Priority over any Football-related "concern" such as anything involving the Playoffs. Now as far as the first part of your response here.... You responding with "Huh?" without elaborating what you're "Huh"-ing about, was real crappy. And you have the absolute nerve to tell me to attempt to articulate myself better after you put up THAT reply (huh?)? How about practicing what you preach, hmm?
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