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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. Staying hydrated is key for good health.
  2. Why would Darnold go into camp if they're not going to re-sign him?
  3. What exactly does that mean? That's what *I* want to know.
  4. "unjustifiably"? If he starts, then yeah. If he's signed for Backup money, and he's just there to hold a clipboard and watch Corral or Richardson(or whomever the Panthers draft at QB) go out there and show us what they got, it shouldn't be that much of an issue. Of course the Panthers could find someone better to fill in the backup role but will they? That's the question.
  5. Tepper : "Do you like Meatballs?" Reich : "I guess so" Tepper : "You...guess so." Tepper : "Okay...this concludes this interview. I'll keep in touch"
  6. Something, something....Mediocrity...Something... (just trying to do an impression of the usual suspects' replies to this. Don't mind me)
  7. Decided to use the Mock draft simulator and let it do its thing on its own and....damn. What an underwhelming list this is (and scary to think that it looks just like it could happen 'cause....Panthers) :
  8. Yes, Dad. (or...Mom? Don't wanna assume, you know?)
  9. Did not read the entire thread but I will just say this : Bozeman, even with his mis-fired QB snap exchanges, is THE reason that O-Line gave Sam time in the pocket more often than not to make throws (good or bad). If he isn't re-signed, no QB (no matter if it's Corral or Richardson...or any other Drafted one) will have a chance. It is IMPERATIVE that Bozeman is re-signed. It is, to me, a TOP PRIORITY.
  10. yes...so? Frank said you needed your QB to score more than 1 TD and that's what our QB did. I disproved his point. But now the Goal-posts have been moved once again. I just can't with you two. smh. Let's just move on and hope Tepper hires the right Coach and not another f*cking idiot.
  11. Happy with my Devils getting a win but damn. That go-ahead goal.... ...Refs missed an obvious high-stick moments before the goal there. I'll take it 'cause many times I've been on the other side of these types of calls (or non-calls as the case may be).
  12. No. No it really wasn't "too little, too late". You're making it seem like we were playing from behind and Sam's TDs were just window-dressing when in fact, we had leads of 14-10 and 23-10. That loss was as much a failure on Wilk's part as it was on our banged up Secondary. If not moreso. That was the moment (combined with Wilk's conservative call to not go for it on 4th and a foot) that ultimately lost us the game. Sam did his part. The Defense didn't and neither did Wilks. If Sam is to be blamed for anything, it would be on the INT he threw and for not falling on a fumble (that Bozeman caused). Bringing up the Steelers loss means nothing because it didn't cost the Panthers ultimately as they got the much-needed win against Detroit. And bringing up this past Debacle against the Saints means nothing because...well....it was a game that meant nothing except to just simply end another pathetic season on somewhat of a positive.
  13. Not sure. I mean your reply was kind of all over the place so I wasn't quite sure.
  14. Um..He had 3 passing touchdowns in that game. Had our D stopped even ONE of Evans scores, we would've won. Not sure what stats you're looking at.
  15. Get real. We lost to Tom Brady because Wilks failed to have anyone out over the top to guard Evans who burned them TWICE for a TD.
  16. The Jets also drafted Zach Wilson. They've got a lot of lessons to learn still.
  17. Don't know about Dalton (he didn't exactly light it up himself the last game) but man...this Minshew affinity is just as bad as Darnold's. lol
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