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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. What is it with the Panthers marketing department having players do these goofy-as-f crap? LMAO!
  2. This is how bad the Jets damaged him. It's going to take a bit for him to get used to having a clean pocket more often than not, even if the OL here is "mediocre".
  3. Great OP but I still don't agree that he stares down receivers. Or maybe the reason it seems that way is because he already has a receiver in mind to go to prior to the snap? Remember that this team is full of YAC monsters that he can pick and choose from and Sam was like "I can actually get 1st downs(and more) and move the chains like I couldn't with the Jets? Sign me up for this s--t!" I think as he gets more comfortable, he'll go for the deep ball like we all want him to. He has a history of doing that(it's not like he's never thrown it deep before or is unable to) so it's not like we're getting Teddy 2.0 here. (the "I see Ghosts" crap is played out but Smitty was right in that Sam still has a bit of happy feet due to the Trauma he suffered from his time with that f'n sh-tty franchise in NY)
  4. Actually, about that inaccurate throw (I assume you're talking about the one throw that sailed high over TMJ's head, right?) I went back and replayed that moment over and over again. The ball's trajectory never changed and it still had a tight spiral so it wasn't tipped (as others in other forums claimed). Analysis conclusion : Sam just over shot him... OR here's another explanation.... He saw the defender in front of TMJ and tried to loft it a bit over him and got a bit too much air on it. Remember that with the Jets, he had next to no time in staying in the pocket and making adjustments on making touch-passes and stuff. Or maybe he thought TMJ had MAD HOPS and thought he could jump 500 feet into the air and snag that or something? lol.
  5. Sometimes a Cold is just a Cold.
  6. People think of Mark Sanchez when they think USC QB's and their utter flame-outs now. Hope Sam can break that crappy mold and rise above it.
  7. The only ghost is the NY Jets franchise. And I fully expect him to exorcise that in Game 1.
  8. That is very true. But I think it's also a blessing for him mentally that he ended up with a good night the way he did. It may have woken him up to the realization that..."hey! I'm not on the Jets anymore!"
  9. He won't be Teddy because he can throw the ball longer than 10 yards. So many weapons. So many options for Sam.
  10. Do you think that has more to do with : 1.) Vanilla offense? 2.) The OL at times not giving him and the receivers enough time to connect on Deep balls? There's also the whole "take what the Defense gives you" thing that Rhule apparently wants out of Sam.
  11. Then he'll fail and everyone here (the naysayers) will pat themselves on the back for being "right". Yay. There will be ups and downs with Darnold, that's true...especially since he's trying to develop chemistry with his teammates and learning each WR's tendencies and timing. But the OL isn't going to do him any favors if they suck.
  12. Nailed it. Rhule probably does not want to deal with that type of situation but at the same time, he could make it very clear to Minshew from the start that he's the backup and not to expect to start. What is a lair? Is that where the 2nd-half of Sam's couch located?
  13. It's not a case of Sam's feelings. It's a case of Rhule not wanting a QB controversy. RHULE. Not Sam. RHULE. So Rhule would say to you : "Fug YOUR feelings. I'm the coach here for 7 years. Deal with it."
  14. Just like the women who lied about Bill Cosby.....oh wait. 3 First-rounders *and* 2 Second-Rounders? GTFO, Houston!! He's not worth even ONE first-rounder at this point. If Miami wants to go there, be my guest.
  15. ^^^ Fair point but again...the whole QB controversy thing that Rhule probably did not want. Personally, I would've traded for him and told him "You are the backup. Do not expect to start unless absolutely necessary". A 6th rounder for him, though? Damn right, the Jags fleeced. jesus....
  16. Paradis seems to be more of an issue from what little I've seen thus far.
  17. Do you realize how pathetic it makes you look when you do something like that? good lord....Aren't you a Panthers fan?
  18. If Santoso at least makes the XP's (something Slye failed to do), he'll remain as the Kicker until we find someone better (if we ever bother to do so).
  19. Yep. That one near INT could've been disastrous and changed the entire attitude of this entire board toward the negative (though some were already on the verge of that anyway). Fortunately, as Smitty pointed out, LB's cannot catch. Regardless, the clean pocket overall showed how effective Sam can be when he's not running for his life. Paradis was getting run over.
  20. If there wasn't at least one mention of Sam's couch, then I don't believe it was David who wrote it.
  21. WHO? WHO? WHO? (lame joke but yeah...)
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