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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. You shouldn't. I'm not going to try to make you agree. Just letting you know where I stand. Won't ignore that he was for the first time in his career....EFFECTIVE...but am ready for a new Vet to sign (Brissett anyone?) here to hold the fort for whomever we are drafting.
  2. Stretch of 6 games = 1 game? I mean he sucked royal balls in that 1 game. No doubt about it. But Oldham's point was the other games as well. I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and ignore the 100+ QB ratings he got (which is tantamount to a Miracle) in those 5 other games. (well technically he had an 85 rating in one of them which we won) You can not want Sam Darnold back and still acknowledge he was decent for us (save for the sh-tshow at New Orleans(which we won anyway). I'm ready to move on from him but not ready to ignore what I saw.
  3. Don't tempt fate there. Our new Head Coach once said that Sam Darnold was "the real deal" at one time. Oof. Brissett, Richardson, Corral is what I would think will happen, though.
  4. Yeah. This team has not exactly gone places except the NFL Cellar and with next-to-zero results. Time to put all our chips on the table and just go for it. We suffer a bit for the present in order to have a better future.
  5. Stroud 100000000000000000% But we'll "settle" for Richardson and like it.
  6. A running QB who can pass from the pocket... sounds oddly familiar... (though I prefer the QB not run for his life and just make passes in the pocket)
  7. Would love Stroud but fully expect us to "settle" for Richardson. I may be new around here but I think "settling" is the Panther way.
  8. ^^^^ Is it? Someone here posted a tweet saying it's not official.
  9. I hope Tepper counters one more time to make the Dolphins spend up the nose to sign Fangio.
  10. And that's my point. Who else do the Eagles have as someone who can reliably back up Hurts if he should...if you'll pardon the pun...get hurt? You would think they'd want to hold onto Minshew just as an insurance policy or something.
  11. yeah I know. I changed the post. Please refresh. And maybe you can answer my question.
  12. They will have to basically throw away EVERY BIT of their Draft Capital to get Stroud, imo.
  13. Is it his throwing shoulder? If it is, the Chargers are screwed.
  14. My unpopular opinion? I got several (but they're more unpopular predictions as much as they are opinions): The Panthers re-sign Sam Darnold instead of trying (or signing) someone else at QB out of the belief that Frank Reich can turn anything he touches into gold (though with Sam, it may end up being Fools Gold, but I digress). Another unpopular opinion is that while Sam is re-signed to be a BRIDGE QB (hopefully, only that), the Panthers end up NOT drafting a QB as they are not impressed with the QB class this season(especially where they're situated at #9) so they're punting next season on that front and would instead draft a dynamic WR like Jordan Palmer or Quentin Johnson to give DJ some more help out there. During all that, Corral would be getting a look but I think (and again this is just an unpopular opinion here) Frank would prefer Sam to Corral (at least until they draft that Franchise QB they've been looking for since forever). (btw, the above are just opinions, not facts. I think the Panthers go after an entirely new Vet QB instead of Sam...)
  15. He would've been a nice QB Coach back in the day, all jokes aside.
  16. What vet QB will the Panthers sign to hold down the fort while our DRAFTED Young QB develops?
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