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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. You know.... If he could've said this : "While I'm disappointed that the Panthers made this decision, I can understand why they had to do it. I'm just happy that the Bears organization thought highly of me to give up what they did to bring me here. I look forward to doing whatever is necessary to make this team successful." If he said something like this, there wouldn't be any issue.
  2. Of course. Didn't mean to leave Reich out of that. But my point stands. They can't outsmart themselves here. I really think this whole Bryce Young "rumor" is just that : a rumor. A smokescreen that will ultimately result in CJ being a Panther.
  3. Bruh. C'mon, man.... That's BS. The price for moving up to #1 was including you in the deal. You should be flattered, not pissed.
  4. WAIT! I know I don't keep up with College football and all but there is ANOTHER Mac Jones? The Patriots already have one. Another one is going to be in the NFL? lol
  5. You put "he doesn't have an ego and is a good teammate" followed by "he's an upgrade over Sam" which looks like you're implying "he does not have an ego...unlike Sam" and "He's a good teammate....unlike Sam". My reading comprehension is just fine, "bro". It's the way you presented your statement that needed clarification. Anyway, I agree with you on Dalton. That said, Panthers could've done a bit better than him but I'm not Reich or anyone else that knows more football than me.
  6. oh definitely. I wish him luck as well 'cause he was a popular teammate in the lockerroom. (much like Sam was; both are good guys but it was time to go)
  7. I forget...was that the TD that ended up with that stupid penalty called by the Refs for removing his helmet?
  8. I wasn't talking about Tier's as far as "backup contracts" go. But you do you, buddy. PJ is not an NFL QB. He only plays one on TV. And now he'll play one in Chicago! Yay. (i'm sure his biggest fan is creating an account on their message board as we speak)
  9. A Sam Darnold tier QB....wut? Even as bad as Sam had been here (sans the 4-2 season where he looked decent for once), PJ still wasn't long for the NFL at the rate he was going. I guess that's one (and maybe the only) thing Rhule did that was a positive in that he saved (or at the very least prolonged) PJ's career in the NFL whereas he would currently be starring in NFL Europe or something. In all seriousness, as a human being, I wish him all the best in Chicago and whatever he does going forward. In not-so-seriousness :
  10. CP4LIFE, have fun at the Chicago Bears forum!
  11. So he can translate whatever gibberish McCown gives to CJ. Sounds good to me.
  12. Sam had an ego? (well okay...the Podcast BS didn't do him favors but still) Sam wasn't a good teammate? Perhaps focusing more on his career numbers instead to support your argument would be wise. Andy has had the better career than Sam and that's what puts him over the top here.
  13. Of all the Vet QBs the Panthers could've gone after, *THIS* guy (who played as bad, if not worse, than Sam did in the last game) is who the Panthers select to be the "bridge"? Is this a joke?
  14. yeah. Never understood the "Superb Owl" nonsense. IT'S SUPER BOWL.
  15. Dude is a f--king clown. I applaud this deal.
  16. Very critical that they re-signed Bozeman. Last thing we want is our young QB to get run over by the Nose Tackle.
  17. I'm sure Shannahan saw Sam's resurgence last season and his numbers and was like "Hmm...I think I can work with this". Doubt he would've even considered him if this was after the disastrous 2021 season. Sam saved his NFL career last year. Happy for him. And now it's officially time to move on.
  18. It has to be one of the best usernames here for sure.
  19. It's fine. Now the peanut gallery here will find something ELSE to bitch and moan about. Will it be CJ if he struggles? Will it be the Vet QB (Brissett?) if he struggles? Or maybe they'll just start bashing Burns or something....oh wait. They already do that, don't they? lol Anyway, I hope CJ turns out to be the real deal here. If he is, then we're set up for the next decade-plus. If he isn't, then we're right back where we started...with nothing.
  20. "Not this bs again" Exactly my thought when I read that other post. I knew it was you. YOU need to get a fugin life and stop trying to speak to me with your other aliases when I have you on ignore. (AND YOU HISTORICALLY DO HAVE ALIASES HERE, BUDDY.) "have no idea what you're talking about", my ass.
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