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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. it was funny the first time you said it. Now? eh.
  2. "compete", my ass. If it was up to me, I'd be getting Corral ready to start Next season with Sam backing him up....and with AR as our Draft pick QB as the 3rd string.
  3. Don't underestimate the desperation of NFL teams looking for anything resembling QB help. And Sam is not Practice Squad fodder like PJ. He'll end up on some team as their backup. Just not sure if it will be ours again (you never know with Tepper and Fitterer)....
  4. Well that was Linville's idea so...oh well.
  5. Then LinvilleGorge has lost his mind then?
  6. I don't get it this Dropping 1 effing spot comments. Before this game, we were already at 9. After this game, we are at 9. We didn't drop a spot at all.
  7. I think the one thing is that this game may have scared off any potential suitors for him so he might take a cheap backup deal. Besides, he already made bank (thanks a bunch, Fitterer) with that 5th year option....so he's not exactly hurting for money right now.
  8. Yeah. I want to see what he's got. So my thinking is the following : 1.) Re-sign Sam to a 2-year deal at BACKUP MONEY 2.) Draft AR 3.) Start Matt Corral That way we can see if we have something (caught lightning in a bottle) in Corral but if not, we bring Sam in the rest of the way, let AR sit and learn the NFL game and its speed (and maybe give him a start at the end of the season, paving the way for him to start full-time the following season...and that's IF he's the guy).
  9. *Ring* *Ring*....*click* "Hello?" Oh, mrcompletely11, the NY Jets just called. They said "Hold my beer". 9th??? You mean there was actually 8 WORSE QB performances? Now that's really something.
  10. Nice clickbait title for the Sam supporters to come charging in breathing fire. LOL!
  11. Did a solid job with what garbage he was left with. But we need a fresh voice that knows how to coach an NFL game.
  12. Man....what an absolute bust he turned out to be....
  13. i mean... ...look, I would be more pissed if this win f*cked up our draft position and knocked us out of the Top 10. But pre-game we already knew that 9 is the farthest we could fall so I figure...why not beat the Saints on our way out of this pathetic season? I just never imagined how this win would've happened....I still can't.
  14. F*ck you, Taints. Had a 2.8 QBR QB turn into Cam on the final drive.... ....*snicker*.... I'm sorry but I feel like Nicolas Cage here :
  15. fug the Bears. I am not desiring to give another franchise the opportunity to fix their team before we fix ours.
  16. This is the plan I like. Let Sam get knocked around while AR watches and learns on what NOT to do as an NFL QB. But also if he busts, then go hard after Drake.
  17. Welp... frank, you walked into that one. lol Still laughing at the Saints for allowing a QB with a 2.8 rating to defeat them. They had the entire receiving corps locked down tighter than Darrelle Revis in his Prime. Did the Saints forget that Sam CAN run? I mean it's the only real thing he can do WELL. Somebody over there didn't do their homework. And I'm still laughing.
  18. In playing his way out of Carolina? Yep. At the very least that last GWD may have bought him some teams offering a Backup role for him so glad that he was able to salvage his career. I would be stunned if he remained a Panther but with this ownership and management, I am not going to assume anything.
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