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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. Where the f-ck does 15/32 come from? I'm referring to this from YOU : Have you been thinking I was talking about something else entirely?
  2. For the record (and to help you calm your tits), I'm also thinking that the Panthers won't re-sign him and look elsewhere. But when you put up extrapolating stats that look better than ANY OF THE OTHER STATS HE'S EVER HAD (and try to use that to say he's still no good), that's pretty damn weird to say the least.
  3. It's low for Sam BECAUSE of those bad seasons. It's low because this is the first time in FOREVER that there is sign of actual IMPROVEMENT from him which I didn't think he ever would improve at all (and that he is what he is).
  4. And when did the argument switch to whether Sam is a bust or not? The goal posts seem to be moving at Warp speed here, Captain.
  5. I'm not reverting back to anything. Comparing those numbers you "extrapolated" to the sh*t seasons he's had in the past, there is an obvious difference there. Wtf, man?
  6. And he was two blown Defensive assignments on Evans (Bucs) from basically getting them into the playoffs.
  7. Sorry but that doesn't fly. I was expecting way worse numbers and yet you put up numbers that are actually DECENT. You're forgetting who we're talking about here and how bad he was in the past. He had his best season to date albeit if it was only 6 games.
  8. What do you mean "you wonder"? I mean the picture is right there for you to look and not wonder at all.
  9. Is Levis's name pronounced Leh-visss or Lee-v-Eyes like the Blue Jeans?
  10. Sam went 4-2 soooo....technically he did have success in the NFL and knows how to play QB and the NFL game. HIS problem is he's slow as a snail in going through his progressions (or he just focuses on his first read; maybe he goes to 2nd read sporadically) He was better (save this last game) in taking care of the football this time around. If that isn't improvement, I don't know what is.
  11. What job will she be doing? (no jokes, please)
  12. I wouldn't. This is a case of Grass-being-greener-on-the-other-side. If we don't re-sign Sam, I'd rather we go after Brisset.
  13. Out of all those players, how many are getting re-signed by their current team? I can see Lamar being re-signed. Someone here once mentioned Brisset being intriguing... Minshew sucks but he's not Sam Darnold to some here so he automatically is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
  14. I'm kind of "worried" when Fitts said he was "going for it" in his presser. I hope he doesn't make stupid decisions. And I hope we hire the RIGHT coach this time.
  15. way more "decent" than last year, though. He didn't have CMC as a crutch this time. And took better care of the football (aside from this past game where nothing was on the line except winning the final game of a season). eh. I look at it as 4-2 as a BACKUP which isn't bad.
  16. Nah. He's not being brought back. mav said so, so that's that. So what else is on TV? *click*
  17. It almost seems like they are mad that he didn't just suck from the get-go as soon as he started his first game back from injury so the narrative can be resumed. Both. Sam stunk but there were hardly any open receivers to throw to and he forced a couple which resulted (obviously) in INTs. Then, the Saints missed a FG late (some say they deliberately "tanked it" though I don't believe that as they are grown men trying to win a football game, too), Sam had a key Scramble/Run for a first down followed 2 plays later by a key throw to TMJ to set up the game-winner.
  18. Uhh....those numbers (aside from the fumbles) aren't too bad. I don't think this is helping your argument much.
  19. The question is what is Fitt's definition of "going for it"? We could end up being underwhelmed....
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