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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. Playing decently(for him) while the Defense let him down by allowing Evans to burn them 3 times for a TD? That's not exactly the "real Darnold". Maybe you should keep that example out of your post and only stick to the Saints one that better illustrates your point.
  2. As much as I want to disagree with you there and say that Sam is what he is (He's not a good QB at all; And there have been 4 years of proof of this, even if most of it is the incompetent Jets franchise), THIS statement (especially the bolded) does carry some truth to it. 2021 basically torpedoed any goodwill he would've had by some of the long-timers here. As far as they're concerned, whatever he did afterward, doesn't matter nor will it ever matter because....2021 is how he will be forever defined here. It's time to move on.
  3. Sounds like Brissett is the #1 Vet the Panthers could use. But can and will they go and acquire him? That is the question.
  4. I don't really care, to be honest. I like it here because you guys are so passionate about the team instead of apathetic. But since you all are experts on knowing QBs who suck, then I was just wondering out loud who the next poor SAP (who will draw your ire) behind center will be? It could be the new Vet they sign or it could be...and it's possible...the Drafted QB they take (The Draft, as always, is a crap shoot).
  5. I personally want us to move on from Sam if only to see who the next QB that kungfoodude, TLGPanthersfan, frankw, and the rest start excoriating and saying "He sucks!" with such vitriol. I admit I am very intrigued as to who is next in the Pecking order of bashing. Will it be Brissett? Will it be whomever is drafted? This should be fun.
  6. He's going to see Sam wearing HIS old number (14) making solid plays and thinking "Hmmmm....". lol. You know he will at least think about it.
  7. Jesus Christ rides a motorbike? That's a cool visual. NOW TAKE A LOOK AT MY CAPITAL LETTERS!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!
  8. That's EXACTLY what he is, as far as I'm concerned.
  9. You are calling CJ Stroud....ZACH F'N WILSON???
  10. Going to out on a limb and say that Sam won't be brought back, though. I mean with Reich, he'd probably want HIS own guy (even a Free Agent Vet). Not sure he'd want someone who the previous "coach" picked.
  11. The man had Great Hair. And could've been a very solid QB Coach had he decided to stick around the Organization instead of just saying "Nah, I'm good." and moved to Tampa.
  12. NAILED IT. (although I would rather the pass be completed to one of OUR guys. lol )
  13. Scary thing is how accurate this might actually be with this franchise.
  14. Sell me Justin Fields vs CJ Stroud So you want to buy a Lamborghini or a Ford Pinto?
  15. @amcoolio btw, I saw your ninja edit just now. When I say "what have you done for me lately?", I meant it in terms of the season overall he had. This strange obsession with focusing on ONE sh*tty game out of the games he played this past season is absurd. It's like people wanted him to fail so their narrative lives on or something. Pff. Whatever. He's gone so let's see if Brissett or whomever other Vet the Panthers sign becomes the new whipping boy around here.
  16. hey. I'm not denying he was sh*t in that game. But if we were to judge QBs on just ONE sh*tty game, there would be no QBs left in the league. And don't be like mrINcompletely and attempt to whatabout'ism his past seasons where he's had sh*t for coaching and sh*t for O-Lines (something that's Ancient news and not relevant to the here and now). Last season was the first time, he's had both that weren't sh*t. And while he didn't exactly light it up like a Franchise QB would (thus proving that at best, his future is to be a backup in the league), he was decent enough to give the team a chance which is all one can ask for. That is what I will acknowledge about him. Now, do I think he should be brought back? No. I think this team could use a Brissett instead (and hope that Fitts goes after him instead of paying up the nose for a Derek Carr). But like i stated before to frank : You can NOT want Sam back but still acknowledge he was Decent for us for 5 of those 6 games.
  17. "What have you done for me lately?" I believe that is still a thing. (and it is indeed "interesting") But what do I know? I'm just a noob here who hasn't mastered the art of shoving his head so far into the ground I could see China. Don't worry, I'll do better.
  18. EDIT : you know what? Screw it. I don't have time for this sh*t.
  19. 1 game discredits 5 others? Must be some new Math.... ...is this the "Panther way" around here?
  20. With Darnold, he did. https://clutchpoints.com/jets-news-frank-reich-calls-sam-darnold-the-real-deal I'm sure his attitude had changed since then....hopefully....
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