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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. sigh.....Can Frank (or rather Fitt) just go sign a Vet QB already so we can at least say we have a QB instead of just Corral?
  2. And we'd know right away that Josh McCown managed to convince Frank to keep Sam around for a bit, given their past relationship. At the same time, though, I just have a feeling we will sign another Vet. But as you stated, no matter what they decide to do, at least they'll be smarter than Rhule. lol (well okay that's not what you exactly stated but you get my point)
  3. Isn't that the dude from that 80's Stallone flick "Over The Top"?
  4. This actually makes a ton of sense. Which means it'll never happen. Besides, I don't think Frank would want to risk his first year to be a failure.... ...then again, we have the Josh McCown factor so I don't know.
  5. I'm pissed off that there is so many days left until training camp. Plus, I really want to know who Frank and Josh decide to go get as their QB (both Draft-wise and Free-Agent wise)...
  6. Well if we want Drake, the Panthers will have to stink real bad to get him. Anyway, my point being is that since you don't believe the QBs in this draft are all that, tell me what you believe the Panthers should do? (mind you, I'm not being an ass here. I would honestly like to hear your opinion on this)
  7. I'm no QB guru so I am the wrong person to ask to identify who would be "the one". Whomever Reich and Josh pick out, I will trust their judgement and hope their choice ends up being the right one. I want to see some Playoff games again.
  8. Well I wish Reich all the luck in the world in finding that QB 'cause if he does, it would be tremendous luck for him and for all of us.
  9. Then you want to Punt the season and hope we suck for Drake?
  10. True. Although something tells me I don't think he'd mind it if it were less than that so long as it led to a win. 'Cause let's be honest : Big time throws or not, it's the end result of the game that matters. I mean...A QB can make 10 big time throws per game and still lose those games, you know? Especially if the Defense craps the bed....grrrrrr.. (and yeah..I'm thinking of the Tampa game 1000% here in this regard) And btw, dumpoffs shouldn't count but they shouldn't be ignored either as they can help move the chains to keep the offense on the field, and also help march the team methodically down the field to where a scoring opportunity would present itself.
  11. Allen Burrow Lawrence Hurts Herbert Jackson Tagovaiola Stroud Young
  12. McCown is quite connected, isn't he?
  13. If we want Drake, then Next season will have to be punted for that to happen. I don't think Reich wants his first season as Head Coach to be a lost one, though. Imo, fans need to see Fitts draft a QB so at least they see that he's trying.
  14. That avatar is there as a form of mockery (it will be there looong after he is gone) but keep on deflecting and making it about me.
  15. Are you one of them? I am waiting for the day you actually go nuclear on a QB (aside from Darnold, that is).
  16. From your lips to Jake's ears, man. All we can do is wait and see.
  17. I vote for DomsToupee to be a username around here.
  18. Excuse me but as a former Jets fan, i must point out that he also mentored Sam his Sophomore year which was (until this past season) his best season (statistically) on a sh*tty Jets team. Threw 13 picks (not good) but threw 19 TDs (solid) at just under 62% completion percentage. McCown left that offseason and then Sam's numbers went to sh*t the following seasons. He was perhaps the only one on that franchise those seasons who knew how to coach (a Backup QB, mind you) with that eye-bugging moron patrolling the sidelines.
  19. Even in jest, your "joke" may come to life : Synchronized hair fixing? I don't have a problem with that with my bald head. Unfortunately, they're also going to show him highlights from the other games, too. We'll see what happens. If it was any other person at QB Coach, I would say "No chance Sam is back" but McCown here really muddies the waters a bit on what will happen.
  20. And if I recall (back when I was a Jets fan), Sam had a very good season (for him) with McCown in his ear in 2019(I think). Once McCown left, so did all the QB Guidance he was getting and was stuck with Adam "QB Whisperer" Gase (Ha!). I think Josh may (a big "MAY", though) convince Reich to give Sam a long look before looking at any other available QB's out there. It also helps that when Frank watches video of Sam, he will see his old #14 on Sam's back and consider him a "kindred spirit".
  21. Well if they don't pursue a QB, there will be a ton of pissed off Huddlers here. We need to get started SOMEWHERE as far as going after a Franchise QB. And the only place to potentially find one is in the Draft, not Free Agency or the Scrap Heap.
  22. Ah okay. Tampa is now a trash team we faced...with one of (if not, the) Greatest QBs in NFL History. I guess you got to do what you got to do to support a narrative. I just love these types of threads. Don't worry, though...The Big Bad Darnold won't be around to "hurt you" anymore. Instead, we'll have someone else we'll probably bitch about.
  23. My poor attempt at a Venn diagram (that's probably incorrectly done. lol ) :
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