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Everything posted by 1usctrojan

  1. If he is, they have strong, unbendable opinions on everything...and they let EVERYONE know it, loud and clear.
  2. How much more can they ask Sam, who has taken all the blame for his and the teams failings on himself? On draft day, didn’t that group of four, including Mel Kiper (can’t remember other names) say that Sam went through a meat grinder in NY, but they couldn’t get him to blame anyone but himself. He never even complained to friends. Gase was an egotistical micromanager, it was his way, or else. He didn’t draft Sam, doubt he knew how to develop him or his skill set....a QB who would dare to go off platform, a backyard playmaker when things broke down. He’s a smart kid, held offers from Duke, Northwestern and Yale, as well as Utah and a few others. Some coaches don’t like that.
  3. For anyone whose family has not lived in California over 100 years, and not bilingual and bicultural….you’re an outsider/foreigner. That’s what some of us think.
  4. Isn’t there a part of the country where they burn couches after a sporting event?
  5. Yup, what he’s known for, but I believe that is a year to year analysis, so last season doesn’t surprise me, it was horrific for Sam.
  6. I moved from a Southern California beach town, surrounded by agriculture, to middle Tennessee. I focused on the similarities when I moved here, you can always find them, I’m surrounded by agriculture here as I was back home, small town mentality is the same. You focus on that to be happy.
  7. Believe me, you could be living in a paradise, but if it’s not “home”......your heart will always long to go back.
  8. I had quite a number of specialty registry staff from NY, Midwest and the south that I contracted out to hospitals in our county and the L.A. area, really liked most of the NYers, but man, I had to remind them that people were not deaf, and no one cares about their opinions, or to STFU about how much money they were making as registry staff. Gets tiring continually smoothing the waters to prevent a Do Not Send kiss of death. Sam is no more a NYer type than I’m like Salma Hayek or a Song Girl.
  9. And people in Charlotte don’t have that loud, obnoxious and pushy NY manner of communicating. That accent, Lord.
  10. Think he means small town feel.
  11. I saw Fools Rush In last night after Galaxy Quest, better movie.
  12. Unlike you, her IQ is considerably greater than her shoe size. The youngest is autistic, a great free lance artist that works for Disney and various anime comics. Both would eat you alive intellectually.
  13. No problem. I’m female, and I look like Selma Hayek. I wish.
  14. My daughters never acted like you, made sure of that.
  15. I’ve watched it a million times. Every. Freakin’. Time.
  16. 25 pages so far.....bet this will be regurgitated numerous times once the season starts.....50 pages mid season?
  17. Agree, but man, what fun to watch. It’s also those basketball player moves he had with a jump hop to throw a strike over a tight swarm of defenders vs Norte Dame and Utah. You can help your team win as a true gunslinger, if the QB trusts his receivers and makes those daring throws. It’s as if that QB is saying....I dare you to beat out my boy, he’s better than you. Think that’s why he was loved as a leader. That said, I love an aggressive, brutal defense. Loved watching Junior Seau, Ronnie Lott, Willie McGinest, etc., knock the snot out of the opposing offense. Take me with a grain of salt, those Cardinal & gold glasses are never that far from me. Just know I mean no disrespect, want your team to win, as a team, not just one single player to succeed. Cheers.
  18. You’re right, you know. Rather you view that as a weakness, or a trait to be developed is up to you.
  19. Haha, you do know that Key is a die hard Trojan, right? He may dog a SC Coach…a player, nah. He sees his AM players thru cardinal & gold tinted glasses.
  20. Ugh, bleacher report, I never read that site...I need to rethink my statement. Just kidding. A gunslinger is never average, a play it safe kinda guy. No competent coaching staff would invest what they did in Sam not expecting him to be this gamer that can win those close games for you when he has to. You gave up more than three picks, you gave up a fairly high selection on a reclamation project? The coaches appear to see something far greater than that. I hope you see get to see enough of those wow plays, come from behind wins that leave you breathless. I hope that for Sam and Panther fans.
  21. I love Sam to pieces, but no, he HAS to be better than mediocre. You just don’t trade for a 3rd year QB, pass on a few potential franchise QBs, to be average? As a fan, you don’t ever want to pick as high as 8th again....it’s do or die this season with Sam to show why your franchise took that leap of faith on his potential. I can’t blame those that are not happy and skeptical, I just hope Sam will be that guy for you.....if he is, it’s going to be a fun ride. By the way, Sam and Christian have birthdays a few days apart, they were out on the town with their GFs celebrating. That friendship is getting closer and closer...good way to form a bond on the field as well.
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