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Everything posted by 1usctrojan

  1. For someone with little command of basic English, you certainly throw around inappropriate and disparaging remarks concerning other members’ intellect. You must have tiny hands.
  2. This was always one of my favorite plays…did it a couple of times with the Jets. Not pretty, fun. https://gfycat.com/thesecompassionatecoral
  3. I distinctly remember Saban saying that there was “too much parity” in the NFL, and why he preferred college coaching. I like a lot of things about Saban, he’s the greatest CFB coach of all time…..but I did think that reason (and admitting it!) was rather cowardly.
  4. Yup. It’s Sam’s job to make the offensive lines job easier. He has something to work with in Carolina. He’s mobile, so less reason to pin much on the line.
  5. Just an FYI, can’t tell you how many times the Jets coaches (there were several regimes), GMs and teammates said in press conferences, tweets and articles, that Sam was the first player in and the last player out. Yet, they did nothing for him. He did that in college as well, often helping our equipment guys take in the equipment off the field. Don’t think he needs a rule for that, it’s what he’s always done….practice and the film room. None of that means anything without developing what goes on between the ears…..he’s an intelligent guy, but is he FB smart at the pro level?
  6. Good thing a career is not made or lost on a few days of practice. PRACTICE.
  7. I can’t help it, I’m going to be petty….boo hoo Jets for being you usual jetsy self.
  8. I understand, grew up with people walking and biking outdoors on streets all my life, we just tend to be very cautious of pedestrian and bike traffic. Don’t see that here, few people running even. It is so beautiful in the country in TN, but it was rather shocking when I first got here, to drive on narrow two lane roads (no shoulder), and get scared sh*tless by a huge truck barreling down a country road. Not allowed back home. Danville is a nice place, bedroom community type, this was just a very tragic accident.
  9. My sister lived in Danville for many years, the roads out there and most of California are very bike rider friendly. Bike paths everywhere and a road without a shoulder is rare. Not as many sidewalks or people walking in the morning or early evening here. I noticed moving to TN, that is not the case. All the housing developments they are building with little thought to the infrastructure. Traffic is just as bad in some of these smaller towns as some of the larger cities in SoCal. Is it different in other Southern states? God Bless Coach Knapp and his family. Heartbreaking.
  10. He’s a Bruin, they’re nothing but whiners, soft…known for jumping the wall to escape practice. Really.
  11. There is a long list of QBs that were MVPs, ROY, made a Pro bowl in their first year (Vince Young) who didn’t do so well the remainder of their NFL career. Doesn’t take long for a DC to figure them out. Sam’s three years could help, or it may prove he’s not a starter in the NFL. We’ll see, all I know is the Jets are a significantly better team that Wilson is walking into, than Sam had. Coaches, focus on top OL and especially the GM. We’ll see, no? Still sticks in my craw that they drafted AVT, they don’t deserve him.
  12. Bet his mom does too. Roll out to your right, Sammy.
  13. Maybe picking a nice girl could have prevented this. People poke fun, but he acted like a man, and didn’t knock her teeth out. This could have gone worse, a lot worse, for her.
  14. I hope so, but I can’t blame the nay sayers, or those with the mentality that he has to prove it first before they call the signing a good one. There are justified concerns. I believe in Sammy, but I’m coming from a different place…but I’m taking the path my guy takes, no excuses, it’s on him to get the ball to his playmakers….not the opposing team.
  15. I loved Christian in college - what a pain in the a** he was, and he’s proven to be even better in the pros, on the biggest stage.
  16. I’ll try it, I normally make my own, but I sometimes get lazy. Not a fan of vinegar tang, hopefully it won’t have much? I don’t care for vinegary tasting salsa, either.
  17. Never heard of this mayonnaise till I moved down here….don’t even think I’ve seen it a Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods or Sprouts back home. Maybe I should try it.
  18. Bought my wonderful SIL a Komodo Joe (the big one), just so he can make smoked wings. I. Love. Them.
  19. That’s a SoCal tailgate favorite….easy, tasty, inexpensive and can be rolled up in a tortilla to take into the game. tri-tip in all kinds of different marinades and rubs, is also popular, from a Santa Maria rub to a bulgogi marinade. Seafood salads and ceviche also popular. I’m getting hungry. *the small town I was born and raised in, was the town the Calavo HC was located. You could walk down a street, or walk along the roads with orchards and pick up avocados for free. Growers would put out a crate filled with avocados you could take.
  20. I’m a guest here, one that has been treated very well, don’t want to overstep my bounds, but I would like to offer a perspective. I come from a place where your number is everything, with a tradition of no names on the back of the Jersey, ever. Only Heisman Trophy winners have retired numbers….BUT, there are numbers that are honored, and revered. #55 in honor of Junior Seau can only be given to a player by a HC. #43 for Troy Polamalu, if that number is taken, the weight of the greatness of his legacy is taken on by that player. There are others, but I think you get the picture. The number doesn’t have to be retired, but your franchise can honor a number by players who wore it, we have that acknowledgment in a place of honor in Heritage Hall. Nothing wrong with taking that tradition from college, after all, college players are your future.
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