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Everything posted by Diehardpanth02

  1. Because the results have been bad. But I'm with you here, to be honest I think he's done pretty well with the personnel he's been givin. When he has studs, and a healthy roster he usually puts together a good defense. And also, I think sticking with some continuity is huge for us. We have had enough changes, let it ride and work through the growth before canning people
  2. Totally fair take. I think if you pursue roster building first before the QB situation then when you find your guy it'll help them to be in a successful position is all that I mean. And especially when you do not have a large QB contract in the way.
  3. How does it not make sense? Build the roster around the QB you blew your load on. Let it pan out while you build the roster around him and have him on a cheap deal. And when the opportunity arises you should be able to plug a good QB and see big results if Bryce doesn't pan out
  4. Idk. I just saw a video of Mason graham eating. And I got to thinking about a defensive line with him and Derrick Brown in the middle. And how dangerous that would be. Instantly helps our run defense. Interior pressure kills even the best qbs
  5. I would agree with this. Chuba should have had more touches early, I mean he dipped on a 40 harder like his 2nd or 3rd touch. We abandoned it for the screen passes bc Dalton was getting pressured. It's a learning curve though, and as for Everyone. Dude doesn't have anything but his Dbs left. Our Defense is all injured.
  6. Not to beat a dead horse, but what did we expect? We sold the farm to Chicago for Bryce. We spent 3 years worth of assets for him. It's common knowledge, we got bent. Only thing we can do is just wait. We all knew it wasn't our year, and if we face a good defense we have no shot. Our defense can't stop a booger from getting through the tissue. And offensively we are just not that great. Prayers for tremble, hopefully next time he doesn't try and truck stick with his head. At this point what is even worth getting worked up for? Just hopefully we can find some talent and hold on to it instead of giving it away for nothing.
  7. Who the fug cares. I'm sick of this team playing for draft picks it's time we stop sucking balls and go be competitive. We were never a team that cares about early round picks, and the best teams in the league draft late and still manage to compete every year. This take is weak. Small minded and pussified.
  8. This should change the perspective people use to have against Cam and his completion percentage, and doubting his ability to throw. He had ass receivers and an oline and pushed the envelope. The guy we got now is a toddler in comparison but hey, he's 80% today right?
  9. Rebuild is what teams who are steaming hot dog poo say to make an excuse for perennial suckage. New England managed to win ball games after generations of Brady. Tampa is doing it. Pittsburgh is making it work. This aint no rebuild. This is what we are. The worst Franchise in the NFL and at this pace may end up being the worst one in history if it wasn't for Delhomme and Cam we wouldn't even be worth the money to market this franchise. I'm done with it. Even on some of our down years we have pieces that make it fun to watch. Having a -50 differential in the first half of two games is insane. And no plays over 20yds. A defense that can't do poo. Just cycling through coaches that suck are as gimmick as they get. A greedy owner. There's nothing here worth being invested in.
  10. Despite money, I think most people forget that they are still human beings. I doubt the only reason he aspired to be a pro was for the money alone. I do get what your saying though. It's hard to feel bad for someone who's getting paid millions to be terrible at their job.
  11. The dude is absolutely terrified. It's kind of sad to watch, I feel bad for the kid. This franchise squashed everything he ever knew about football.
  12. I understand this sentiment. But at the same time, with the right pieces in place the 3-4 can be just as effective. But you need really good linebackers and edge guys in that system. And they have to be players that can adapt to different roles. The simplicity of the 4-3 makes it effective. When the 3-4 is set up right, it can be more effective if the coach is creative with his pieces. It's more adaptable in pass/run scenarios. Where the 4-3 can be exposed in 3 receiver sets, and forces you to go nickel. That's where Ron lost a lot of games bc the Nickelback would get exposed. Think the falcons game when they kept marching up Julio against Bene Benwickere. The 3-4 can bring a safety in the box play single high and run any zone coverage from there. So it really is just a system, the Individual matters so much more than the system.
  13. Here is my view of the new hire. It's been a while, since I've seen a coach that actually seems to have something between the ears. Even Ron and John( sounds like a place to get some crablegs) coached more on a heavy defensive influence with an offensive strategy that was traditional. I see Canales being able to not re-invent the wheel, but adapt to the situation. Something we have never seen from a coach. Another thing I like so far is his ability to speak. I could see the players listening, and learning more with a guy like this. The pro game is cerebral and I think we finally have a coach with a brain. One that is young, interested in proving himself, which should keep him on his toes and motivated which then will rub off on the team. I'm optimistic, cautiously of course, bc well, Panthers gone Panthers. But if we can get some talent on this roster, I think he is a guy that could lead us to some wins again.
  14. If I'm Frank, and that is the case I would most definitely call out every bit of hypocrisy that came out from this. Only part about that though, is that he probably doesn't want to say anything that would make Bryce seem worse than his film has looked.. none of this is really his fault IMO. He has some blame for his lack of improvement, but coaches and those that surround him haven't offered him many bail outs.
  15. One can hope. I gave Reich every opportunity. And idk how much play he had in personnel. But the talent on this offense is awful. Our On-line actually held up(for their standards) and it just proves that we have no weapons. I think Bryce can be our guy. But not under this scheme or with these weapons. Why on earth did anyone think this could be a competitive roster is questionable?
  16. That's a hard mfn exercise holy f. When you do them you feel like you're going to tear hamstring for real
  17. Don't think anyone said it was a blow up. He had a good game..I think the problem is most of this fan base lacks the understanding that it takes time for guys to develop. And even then it requires the proper conditions for it to happen. Players have historically been slow to reach their potential in Charlotte. Give the dude some props.
  18. You do realize 65yds/game equals to 1k seasons
  19. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Crazy they even try it again.
  20. It's one game. He's throwing every thing to one of the best receivers to play in quite some time. And defenses have no idea what to expect from the guy. One game of football means absolutely nothing. It's a sign, that he might can do it. That's about it
  21. What's there to understand. Probably likes football.
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