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Everything posted by Cdparr7

  1. I wish Scott Fowler would right an article like this. I really want to see round 2 between him and Tepper at the podium again
  2. I really don’t want to be that guy but…. I was very concerned especially when he left on the stretcher. Then I heard it was a stinger and the first thing to come to mind was “We had to stop the game and put your big ass on a stretcher over a pinched nerve” I’m glad he’s okay but yeah I did see better results from Nash Jensen. I still like Throckmorton for the other side when Corbett comes back.
  3. He really just needs to forget his WR career and be our RB1 this year with Chuba coming in to change pace.
  4. If it doesn’t happen during the Bye, it’ll happen after the mini Bye when we lose to the Bears on TNF and go 0-9
  5. I really don’t think it’s going to be a blowout like the Broncos. We’re going to get stomped but they are just going to want to win and get to the next week healthy. Dolphins 38 Panthers 16 Hill has 212
  6. So if I’m Tepper… I probably fire Fitterer around the bye, have a very pointed conversation with Frank and the front office regarding expectations. Place Morgan as the interim. I instruct him to trade Burns for draft capital and halt any other trades trades that don’t increase draft capital. I probably let Frank finish the season. It’s already to poo and I don’t think there is a replacement on this roster outside of many Evero. People keep saying Brown but he hasn’t even been a true OC yet. If Frank finishes the season strong and holds his staff accountable, and has the balls to give the play calling to Brown. Good, but probably still won’t save him unless he has a hell of second half and makes the post season. At the end of the season, I clear out the entire coaching staff. No hold overs, no exceptions. I interview Morgan for the GM role but no guarantees. I hire an outside group to help me through the hiring of a GM and Head Coach. For GM I target somebody who understands the importance of a strong defensive core. Somebody who is committed to rebuilding our corner room even if it means moving Horn and Jackson. Who will go out and get some absolute head hunters at LB. I don’t care how athletic. I want them to be so mean they have to live in a cage and be in restraints on the sideline. I want somebody who understands the importants of a OL and it’s depth, and can find Stewart/Williams type running backs. For HC I want somebody aggressive but not desperate. Somebody who can establish a physical run game and coaches on the importance of the turnover differential. I really wouldn’t be opposed to a guy like Harbaugh. IF (big if) Tomlin were to be let go, or Vrabel I would view them as fits. Although it’s not as exciting we have always been more successful when we have a strong 4-3 defense and an offense dedicated to the run. For some reason, the heavy pass/3-4 defense never works out for us.
  7. He’s not big enough to operate outside of the spread. He needs Shotgun to give him more time to look and process. If he’s under center and dropping back, that’s cutting into his processing time which is already limited by his field vision.
  8. 01 would beat the poo out of them. Lost like 8 single possession games. 2010 team beats this team if Moore starts for them.
  9. Yeah Frank doesn’t actually have the balls to do that
  10. I know it’s for something else. BUT Reich wearing the clown colored hat really fits him.
  11. Had to roll right and throw away because he couldn’t see.
  12. Damn he really don’t have the arm strength to make a 15 yard throw.
  13. Well we run the WC Spread so yeah a lot of what we do is going to be out of the gun. WC= Quick Reads/Release/Win the Outside Spread= Spread out the defense Running it out of gun gets the ball in the QBs hands quicker to make a read since he doesn’t have to drop back.
  14. Pretty much. If I remember he got Jenkins, Morgan, and Smith in the same draft.
  15. Exactly, I’m sure you get his real opinion in the coaching staff meetings
  16. I used to think so, but we have become such a clown organization. I think doing that might actually attract the right person. If you know your stuff and you know you can get results you don’t walk around job scared.
  17. I think it’s the other brand. Little Tikes is more fitting
  18. Don’t worry we are gonna trade for a real WR 1 in Van Jefferson so him and Daddy can ride to work together everyday and get dumbass feel good articles on the team site every week while we finish 1-16.
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