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Posts posted by travisura

  1. 3 minutes ago, Waldo said:

    It is a legitimate subject. I didnt agree with the original poster comments completely but there is some relevant Panther football subject matter there. I think it was covered well by other posters after that.

    See, zero emotion or negativity. And no I do not see how this post irks anyone, this is the Huddle. Some great, some awful and a lot in-between.

    This subject could've been brought up at any time, but it wasn't. Like you said, this will be an offseason subject to talk about, so it could've waited until then. But the timing of this purely negative thread the day after signing Cam, gives it the appearance of being a wet blanket thread. There is nothing more I have to say on the matter. Cheers.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Waldo said:

    Some of us are big boys who can handle talking about multiple subjects, from the highest highs to the lowest lowes without making it a 'mood first' thing, whatever that is.

    It is a subject that will continue into the offseason. The fact you follow the 'serial doom poster' around to whine says more about you then him.

    If you don't see how the timing of this post is enough to irk people then I guess there's not much more I can say. And I don't follow them around lmao I'm literally just responding to a thread on a message board. But if you wanna be doom and gloom all the time and never take a moment to celebrate anything because there's always something you can complain about, then more power to ya, just don't be upset when people are actually happy and optimistic.

  3. 1 minute ago, Waldo said:

    Or we could discuss all the stuff happening, good and bad. This place isn't supposed to be your morning Xanax. Even the best teams have things that can be negative. 

    In itself it's not a big deal but when combined with the other moves made, it's going to be part of the draft hurdle.


    Listen I understand that you're a cynical nihilist and will always see things as glass half-empty, but when one of the most beloved players in the franchise's history mends old wounds and re-signs with the team, most people are not going to appreciate a wet blanket being thrown on the celebration by a serial doom-poster, whose only intention, it seems, is to bring the mood down. I mean we don't even know how the CJ trade will end up working out so why pick now to bitch about it?

  4. 4 minutes ago, BlueOnBlack said:

    Where do you think it's coming from? The richest owner in the NFL, who is shrewdly pretending not to meddle at all, but meanwhile? Is micromanaging the entire thing, too to bottom. Jerry Jones, sans the press conferences and sports radio appearances.

    This is legitimately the first time he's meddled. He took a backseat and gave the keys to the whole operation to Rhule and that's why we're in this mess. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Catsfan69 said:

    I used to drive Raleigh to Clemson.

    I've opened Monday Night Football vs the Niners.

    I've had guys I played with and against in college on the team.

    I've been invited by the players into the locker room.

    To this day you will still see my banner on NFL films, Fox Sports and ESPN.

    I have a cut of one of my takes still used as a promo by 99.9 the fan.

    I've been Black and Blue since day one.

    All those years of being the biggest Panthers fan in existence and you still have dogsh:t takes lmao

  6. 17 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    Can someone translate that for me?  And why is she not catching hell for that word?

    God I swear this site is full of boomers. Sheena is saying that the Panthers were begging to have Cam back. And as far as "that word" is concerned, Sheena didn't say it, the person texting her did.

  7. 4 minutes ago, TheBigKat said:

    So cam is known as dead ass and bended knee ?

    Not sure if you're joking or not but "dead ass" is slang. They're basically saying "are you for real?". And if you've never heard the expression "down on bended knee" then idk what to tell ya.

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  8. 12 minutes ago, PantherOnTheProwl1523 said:

    Can these Watson threads just stop because he is not coming here so why even keep making threads on this subject.

    Bruh how many times did we hear “stop talking about Cam coming back it isn’t happening” and now look where we are. Never say never. 

    • Flames 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, MechaZain said:

    I stand by it. Investing in a project then abandoning ship at the first bad performance is just stupid. Same sort of week-to-week tunnel vision that had yall trying to dump Cam for Kyle Allen.

    If Sam Darnold is the hill you're willing to die on, even after watching his last months worth of performances, then so be it, I suppose.

  10. 6 minutes ago, TheBigKat said:

    A+ when you consider what the Raiders did in 2020


    2020 draft:

    1st round: Henry Ruggs released 1st: Damon Arnette released

    3rd: Lynn Bowden traded before playing a snap

    3rd: Bryan Edwards: 29 catches in 20 games 3rd: Tanner Muse released w/ 0 snaps

    4th: John Simpson: PFF 53rd ranked G 4th: Amik Robertson: 169 def snaps

    Comparing anyone's draft to the Raider's is like grading on a curve.

    • Flames 3
  11. 12 hours ago, MillionDollarCam said:

    Dicks Sporting Goods may have screwed the pooch. These were dropped today.

    I’m hopeful this isn’t one of the kits cause this poo is ugly. The sleeves and neck are atrocious.

    The sleeves need to be all white without the Detroit Lions crap on them and the v-neck has got to go.


    I don't dislike these. The large collar is going to take getting used to, but I think this look will grow on me. What I'm wondering is, since these are so similar to Arsenal kits, is are they trying to establish the club's kit identity as always having white sleeves, or is this just a one-off design. I suppose time will tell. But the beauty of MLS kits is that if you don't like it, then just wait two years and they'll change.

  12. 18 hours ago, CammyCamLoveDaKidz said:

    Hank Aaron dies and his team wins the World Series. Braves had 99 wins this season, first World Series appearance since '99 ..

    First World Series win in 26 years - the year MLB expanded roster size from 25 to 26 players - World Series started on the 26th

    This stuff isn't a coincidence .. sports are scripted, obviously

    Deleted because this buffoon is not worth my time in responding.

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