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Everything posted by travisura

  1. The bucs have done fug all on offense this game. We should be up at minimum 14-3 but probably 21-3 at this point.
  2. I agree. At first, I wanted us to be embarrassed so Rhule would be fired, but now that it looks like we're keeping him, let's fug up the bucs seeding.
  3. Play clock was running down, but rather than let the play clock and quarter run out (they were synced), Rhule panicked and called TO
  4. 2 called timeouts before we're even out of the first quarter lmao
  5. We always do well on the first drive. It’s when the defense starts adjusting that we run into issues.
  6. He’s basically saying that it’s impossible to tell if Darnold is “the guy” behind this OL
  7. I'll never not be a Panthers fan. I won't be as interested and I won't follow as closely until Rhule is gone. I'll still watch the games when I'm free, but I'm not going to go out of my way to carve out time to watch them.
  8. To piggyback off of this, another problem is that we're sandwiched by the same two teams (Jets and Giants) for the two picks before us and two picks after us. So even if a team does want to trade up, they'll probably find it cheaper to take the second of either team's two picks, than it would be to take our pick.
  9. Right, and things could change (I'm hoping they do for Clemson's sake) but as of right now he shouldn't be on the list for potential NFL starters.
  10. Take this from me as a Clemson grad and fan, unless DJ comes out and is balls to the wall this year, he's not an NFL caliber QB.
  11. So it sounds like the person who made that IG post just took that first sentence and ran with it, implying that it was likely that CMC would be traded. Not technically dishonest, but misleading without full context.
  12. It is funny if this turns out to be true, because I was called delusional and told that trading CMC was impossible after I suggested it in another thread.
  13. It says "per Joe Person" but yeah, without an official tweet from him or an Athletic article I'm taking this with a grain of salt.
  14. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/sidney-poitier-death-age-cause-actor-b1988778.html RIP to one of the all-time greats.
  15. Not only are we jeopardizing falling in the draft with a win, I don't Rhule to be able to hang his hat on anything. I don't want him to be able to say, "look we beat Tom Brady everything is ok". I hope we go out there on Sunday and get our cheeks clapped and it looks as embarrassing for Rhule as possible. It is time for him to go.
  16. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but who gives a sh*t if you can play multiple positions, if you can't play any of them well?
  17. He seems to revel in feeling like the smartest in the room. Dunning-Kruger effect? Who knows.
  18. I think there's a key difference between Rivera and Rhule and that is that Rivera wasn't hired by Tepper, so there was no sense of needing to save his ego by keeping Rivera around longer than needed. Rhule was directly hired by Tepper, so Tepper might feel some sense of pride and ego in not admitting his own mistake.
  19. Sure dude. So let me get this straight, you're saying that Joe Person, a Panthers beat writer with inside access, (along with almost every other member of Panthers related sports media who have said that the wheels are falling off), are wrong, and your proof are some PR articles of players and the owner covering their own ass by saying everything is fine? Also a big LMAO at you using a tweet from Person to try and prove that Person is wrong.
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