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Everything posted by travisura

  1. The best QBs in the class are always going to be first round picks, regardless of how good they are relative to other QB classes. There will always be QB needy teams that look to the draft to find their franchise guy, so there would have to be a serious dearth of talent at the position for there to not be a QB taken in the first round.
  2. You are the worst poster on this site for posting your opinion as if it's a fact, and that's saying a lot.
  3. Sizzle is a certified weirdo who licks Tepper's boots and keeps tabs on how often other people post. Burnnchinn is just a reactionary fan.
  4. Yeah I misread you. I read it as you saying if Pickett was more athletic than Jones you'd be happy, hence my comment. I'll argue that Lawrence is still better given that his situation with Urban Meyer and lack of decent supporting players was not advantageous at all, and Mac Jones was placed in a much better situation to succeed, but I digress.
  5. That is the lowest bar imaginable lmao EDIT: ah wait nvm I misread.
  6. Trevor is also southern, but didn't seem to be included in Meyer's derogatory comment. Wonder if Meyer possibly meant something else by "These boys from the South". Possibly some coded language. Perhaps.
  7. So we're either truly, madly, deeply in love with Pickett, or this is one hell of a smokescreen trying to convince someone to trade up to our spot.
  8. LMAO he's going to the Browns now, according to Schefter and Rapoport. Glad we hopped off of this carousel.
  9. Brenton Bersin would like a word.
  10. A great weapon for the QB they're quietly shopping around.
  11. Also I'm concerned at all of y'all that are using the huddle on light mode. Do better. Join the dark side.
  12. Sheena Quick has quickly (no pun intended) become someone I don't bother paying attention to. She's clearly trying to milk this situation for more clout, and, as has been mentioned before, she seems to relish in the Panther's missteps.
  13. Yeah I've never bought that the ads here are based off of browser history. Linville loves to say that every time someone complains about them.
  14. They'll sneak a couple wins here and there. But I would wager that most who criticize CLTFC as a means of bashing Tepper aren't even aware that we were at the brink of signing a La Liga level striker (to the point of him being in Charlotte getting a medical done) but the deal fell through due to unresolved legal issues that came to light. But anyways, I digress. Let's keep this thread about Watson.
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