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Everything posted by travisura

  1. I get that, but once again, what do you want him to say? He's clearly committed to Rhule and therefore won't be hiring a new coach until at least next offseason. So would he come out and sh-t talk him? How would that be productive? The only thing he could say from a PR perspective is talking about how much the team has gotten better this offseason, but with no answer at QB, those words would ring hollow. I hate that the huddle has made me come to his defense because I have a high level of disdain for billionaires, but when I look at him I see an owner who was too gung-ho from the jump, and now realizes what a sh-tshow he's got on his hands. Is radio silence the right answer? Maybe, maybe not. As you've noted, he's put his foot in his mouth before, so if this prevents that from happening again, then fine.
  2. So maybe he's learned his lesson and decided to keep his mouth shut? Idk man I'm not a huge fan of his but this feels like a damned if you do damned if you don't situation.
  3. Homer or not, choosing to die on the hill that Howell is the undisputed best QB in this class is an interesting choice. I guess you're rooting for him to go to the Steelers so you can root for them and finally give up on the Panthers like you've been threatening to do for months now. I guess we shall see.
  4. It's not difficult to understand. It's also not difficult to understand that there's really nothing that he can say that will help the situation so why bother?
  5. Seems you'd like him to get out there and dig that hole deeper.
  6. Yeah that's a great way to lure potential future coaches here.
  7. What exactly would you expect if he did answer questions? He'd just double down on his decision to keep Rhule this year which would just piss y'all off more. He's much better off just keeping quiet. What's that old saying? "Better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and confirm it." Something like that.
  8. The only person raising a fuss about Jackson St. was Deion Sanders.
  9. You see this is all part of the smokescreen. Or it isn't. Or it is, and they want everyone to think it isn't. Or it isn't and they want everyone to think it is. I can't keep track anymore.
  10. Lol he was the league MVP for the 2015 season. So by that metric, not only was he the best QB for a season, he was the best player overall.
  11. You say that as if we don't have a GM who's known for trading back and acquiring more picks. There's no reason for them to not be there unless they don't see him as a worthwhile prospect. That is, unless they are making a statement out of showing up in force to the other QB pro days, in the hopes of baiting teams to trade up and letting a top tier OL prospect fall to us at 6. Just a theory.
  12. Well this is illustrating percent change, not overall quality.
  13. So it's either A) We don't have interest and therefore didn't show up en masse or B) We do have interest but we're faking like we don't so that we can trade back and snag him? Occam's razor is telling me it's the first one.
  14. We're really, really good at showing our cards lmao. Remind me to set up a game of poker with Rhule and Fitts
  15. Well they gave up three firsts and a third for Trey Lance so
  16. Those two names keep popping up in these QB pro days
  17. It is very difficult. And somehow he has managed to maintain an interest and intrigue into what he has to say, so kudos to him for that. I just don't set my clocks by what he says, ya feel?
  18. I'm not sure why you're taking up for Mel so ardently here, but his track record of predicting QB success is spotty enough to make me take his lists with a grain of salt. Not to mention his mock drafts are typically blown up after the 2nd pick.
  19. Putting Sam Darnold and Josh Rosen ahead of Baker Mayfield and Lamar Jackson? I wouldn't call that nailing it.
  20. Quarterbacks 1. Mitchell Trubisky, North Carolina 2. Patrick Mahomes, Texas Tech 3. Deshaun Watson, Clemson His QB rankings from 2017
  21. I watched every game he played at Clemson, and while he never produced many "oh my god holy sh-t this guy is insane" moments, he consistently played at an extremely high level and almost always did enough to win. So if you only watch one game expecting to have your socks blown off, you probably won't, but his body of work speaks for itself. Now, let's see what he can do in the NFL with a proper head coach.
  22. Just two dudes hovering over the grill at the cook out waiting for the food to be done
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